Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow Play While Daddy's Away

Instead of feeling sorry for myself all day yesterday, I was determined to try and liven up the mood in my house.
The day that my husband leaves is always the worst day.
The house feels empty just knowing that he won't be back that evening.
After he left, Dannika went upstairs to lay in my bed to watch cartoons.
I got comfortable downstairs with the baby, turned on Netflix, and tried to pray in my head for this feeling to go away. 
I realize that when hubby is gone, my daughter watches way more TV than I would normally allow.
I just need the extra break!
I looked outside our back porch, and saw all the foot prints in the snow that Nick and Dannika made together the day prior while they were playing outside.
Dannika loves playing in the snow, and as much as Nick despises it, he knows how much it makes her happy. 
So he'll happily freeze and play with her outside in it while I watch out the window from the comfort of my heated home with my coffee in hand.
I usually stick my head out the door just to get some pictures, but that's about as far as I'll go out in it. 
After daydreaming about the day before about them playing outside, I decided to get Dannika suited up in her snowsuit, and I sent her outside to play.
No, I didn't go outside.
I don't own "snow clothes", and I still have a mildly sick 4 month old.
But, she was in heaven.
I kept poking my head outside to ask if she was ready to come inside (from the frigid cold temps), and she would wipe the snot off her face with her mitten and give me a stern, "no".
She ended up playing outside by herself for 2 hours before I made her come inside.
I coaxed her with a warm bubble bath, and she happily obliged to come in.
I did manage to poke my head out with my new DSLR to get some cute snow day photos for the memory books :-)

Mattis thought it was the COOLEST thing ever to watch his sister play outside through the window.
His mind was officially blown.

Oh, and watching her play outside and be so happy definitely livened up my mood.
I just think about how REALLY lonely I would be if I didn't have kids to keep me company and drive me insane.
And a child's laughter is by far the best cure for any blues.


  1. Awww, look how much fun she was having :)

  2. She loves it!!! Good for her. I love how kids just acclimate and want to play outside no matter what the weather conditions. My boys are the same!

  3. So cute! My daughter also loves the snow.

  4. Hang in there! Single parenting sucks. THe pictures are cute though :)

  5. So adorable -- she looks like she had a blast! I wish we had a fenced in back yard so I could do send the kids out when I didn't feel like sitting outside!


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