Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dannika the Ballerina

Dannika had her first dance class today.
She's taking ballet and tap.
Her school requires the girls to wear their hair in a bun for class.
I was worried all week about how I was going to get her thin, wispy hair into a bun.
But we managed to figure it out with a little TON of hairspray and mousse.

I don't think there is anything quite cuter than a bunch of 4 year olds in leotards, tights, and ballet shoes trying to figure out first and second position.
Can you find my princess?
(She's in the front row on the very end.)

After class, her teacher told me she couldn't believe how flexible she was.
Thank you gymnastics!
 Oh, and the fact that she was born with mild hip dysplasia as an infant MIGHT have had something to do with that.
Her pediatrician always told us that she'd make an excellent gymnast or a ballerina because she'd be so flexible.
Watching her put on her little ballet shoes and little tap shoes totally took me back to my childhood.
I dabbled in a little ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip hop and pointe for around 11 years of my life.
Jack of all trades, master of
But I do remember how much fun I had doing dance, going to competitions, attending dance camps, and performing in recitals. 
I want Dannika to have those types of good memories when she's older.
I also want her to learn to concept of hard work, discipline, and never quitting even when it gets tough or "boring".
I want her to understand that life is a competition, and you don't get a trophy for participating (well nowadays everyone gets trophies for just showing up....another philosophy I HIGHLY disagree with). 
Someone is always better than you, and if you want to be up there with them, you have to work twice as hard.
I'm not one of those, "Oh, if you don't like it, you can quit whenever" type moms.
I know that goes against a lot of parent's philosophies these days.
Just a little personal story...
I took piano lessons from the time I was 6 until I was 17. 
After fighting and begging with my mom for over a year about wanting to quit piano, she let me quit my senior year of high school.
To this day, I regret that decision, and I refuse to let my daughter live with that sort of regret when she's older.

And of course, a quick little iPhone photo op before heading off to class!


  1. I love tiny kids in tutus! Natalie did ballet when she was 3 and 4 and it was TOO cute.

  2. Such a sweet girl -- and her bun looks adorable!!

  3. She is killing me with cuteness!! And nail on the head with this post. I agree with everything. I too want my kids to participate in activities young, be it team sports, music lessons, what have you. But they need to learn these lessons. And can I say I did the same with piano lessons, begged my mom to let me quit after years and she finally gave in. I regret it so bad!

  4. Awww, she is so cute and she is your spitting image :)

  5. Aw, this post is adorable! Dance class will be so much fun for her! :)

    Also, I wanted to thank you for the marathon motivation! I tried replying to your comment via email, but it says that you are a "no-reply" blogger, so the emails don't go to you... you may want to know about that because other people may have tried to reply that way as well! :)

  6. She looks so serious about her dance already. Watch out world!

  7. So cute!! I took dance from the time I was 3 until I was in middle school. I wish I kept going - my goal was pointe, but I just didn't make it that far :( Moving put a damper in my plans. Anyway. She is adorable in her tights all ready for class! Makes me more excited to get back into dance to try out xtend barre soon!

  8. So stinkin cute! I LOVE the bun!
    I'm definitely going to be a little hard on my little one too about quitting things.
    I started playing violin when I was 4 and my mom finally let me quite when I was 17....I regret it every single day that I still don't play. To pick it up now would only frustrate me because I know lost it all.

  9. She is precious!! I also have the same philosophies as you! I plan to raise my daughter the same way. And I could not be more excited for her to be in ballet one day too!

  10. She looks awesome and very cute. looks super safe and she looks like she’s having a good dance.


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