Thursday, January 30, 2014

Did You Know...

That most onesies for babies have that wide neck so that you can pull the onesie down the baby when they have a diaper blow out?!?!? 
Do you know how many times a day I am trying to roll up a onesie in the back to try and avoid the inevitable poop from smearing all over my child's head?! 
Is seriously thought they were made like that cause babies have abnormally large heads (or maybe it's just my big headed kids). 
I read this cool little tip from a from a friend on her Facebook page.
My mind is blown.


  1. That's a life-changer. Seriously!! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Wow -- wish I had known! Although ours typically happened in two piece outfits or pajamas and managed to go EVERYWHERE anyways!

  3. What!!! I am three kids in and no one told me!!!

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I took my son's onesie off this way last night just because, and I was like...holy crap! It works!

  4. I had no idea!!! This is amazing! I will remember this forever!

    1. It's amazing. I'm just happy I found this out before my son grew out of onesies and diapers. lol.

  5. How did I not know this?! Well, at least my next child won't have poop on their head when they have a blow out. Oops.


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