Thursday, January 23, 2014


I know people get tired of hearing me complain about the cold.
SORRY, but it's friggin' cold here! 

We started my son on solids a few weeks ago.
I am in full stay at home mom mode, and making all his baby food.
So far, my freezer is packed with carrots, sweet potato, peas, bananas, and brown rice cereal.
I've become a maniac in the kitchen steaming, boiling, pureeing, and storing baby food.
I never knew how satisfying it would be to complete a batch of baby food. 

Seriously though, these are the kinds of things I used to dream about when I was on active duty.
I wanted to be home with my kid, make home made baby food, and drive around to dance class, gymnastics, and play dates.
It literally is my dream come true.

Are there days I want to go back to work?
There are days I crave the adult conversations I used to have at work about meaningful things instead of conversations about which Disney princess is the best or talking baby talk to an infant who clearly has no idea what I am saying to him. 
When my husband calls me at the end of the day to chat, I feel like I talk his ear off.
I can tell he's tired and eager to go to bed, but he doesn't understand that I haven't spoken to a grown up for the entire day!

But when I weigh the pros and the cons, I'd rather be home with them.
I figure that since we have the means and the opportunity for me to be home with them, I should seize the moment!
God knows, if the opportunity were to disappear one day, I would regret it.

And these babies are only this big once, right?



  1. I am home and my kids are in school full time LOL. I am happy I decided to stay home with them, too!

  2. People always ask me if I'm going to get a job since the kids are in school. I say, no, I have a job, thank you. Just because I stay at home it doesn't mean I do nothing. Plus I love being able to go to class activities and stuff like that without worrying if I can get off or not.

  3. Cutie pies! Glad you're having fun!

  4. Definitely pros and cons to both. I think it's great to be home with the littles and enjoy every moment. But I understand needing the adult conversation.


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