Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day, a Daddy in the house, and a Party

My hubby made it home last night!
Even with all the snow we got the day prior, I'm SO glad that it just delayed his flight a little, and he was able to make it home!
Here's how much snow we got....ridiculous, right?

We were snowed in.
Which meant the kids were slaves to mama's bed and the Disney channel all day.
Don't judge.

So why am blogging when I should be spending time with my hubby??!!
Because he is currently having a beer on the couch while my 4 year old bothers him, and he's on baby duty.
Seriously, this is my free time (for a few minutes before we head out for the day).

I was relieved that Dannika had school on Friday.
I was so worried that she wouldn't get to wear her Valentine's Day outfit to school, and that she wouldn't get to pass out her Valentine's cards to her classmates.
Not to mention, Nick had flowers and a teddy bear delivered to her school!
The absolutely amazing staff and faculty at her preschool videotaped the entire thing so that Nick could see it!
I'll have to try and post it later.
It got a ton of likes on my Facebook page, and brought a lot of tears to people!

We had a small Valentine's Day party last night when Nick got in.
 I set up a cheese plate and a few homemade desserts. 

I bought a couple gifts for Nick and Dannika, and we sat at the table and ate and talked and had fun!
Did I tell you how much I LOVE Valentine's Day!?
I like to go all out.

We are celebrating Valentine's Day tonight (just the two of us).
We're putting the baby to bed early, and locking our daughter upstairs in our bedroom with Disney movies.
We're having oysters on the half shell as an appetizer.
I'm making filet mignon, shrimp scampi, Morton's steakhouse garlic green beans, and we're drinking champagne. 
Just. the. two. of. us.

I hope everyone had an amazing Valentine's Day!
I got the best gift husband home for 3 glorious days!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great evening -- and you definitely got the best gift! Enjoy your dinner alone tonight!


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