Monday, February 3, 2014

My Kinda Superbowl (and random photos)

I love any reason to have a party.
That's why I love cheesy holidays like Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc., etc., etc.
I look forward to Superbowl Sunday because I like cooking football food.
I like making dips, guac, salsa, wings, potato skins, and the list goes on and on.
Since we are obsessive healthy eaters in our house, we always welcome an occasion to break away from our normal healthy lifestyle. 
Honestly, our family doesn't really watch much pro football, and when we do we are I am a Dallas Cowboys fan!

I even rep'ed my team all day yesterday!

We're southern, and we LOVE our college football.
We noticed after moving here to New England, that people here don't know much about college football, nor do they really care much about it.
It's understandable because all of their college teams either have a crappy football team or no football team at all!

*Side note: My husband attended a Harvard football game this past fall, and it was laughable to say the least. Then again, who comes to Harvard to play football?!*

But either way, we love a reason to celebrate, so Superbowl Sunday is always something I look forward to.
Last year was actually the first Superbowl in a few years that Nick was actually home with all of us, so I had a lot of fun making Superbowl party food, plopping down on the couch, and enjoying the commercials with my hubby.
Even all those years that Hubby was gone for Superbowl Sunday, I've always had a great group of friends (who's husband's were always deployed too) to have a Superbowl party with.

This was just a few years ago at my best friend's house for a Superbowl party. All of our men were deployed at the time, but we managed to have them there with us in "spirit". Obviously, the only women with "Daddy Dolls" were the ones with

Since Nick is gone, yet another year for Superbowl Sunday, I didn't feel like doing much.
But since Dannika is in preschool, and all her friends have been telling her about their Superbowl parties, I was forced to think up something for her.
I knew she would care less about the actual game, but she loves parties.
So I braved the grocery store with two kids on Sunday afternoon, picked up some wings and party food, and we had a mini Superbowl party.
It wasn't the same without other adults who genuinely care about the Superbowl or without having Nick around, but we managed to make the best of it.

It also helped that I was in such an amazing mood all weekend because it was sunny, and the weather was "mildly warm" for New England at this time of year.
The nice weather lifted my spirits up out of the "winter blues", and it made me get out of the house all weekend!
The bad thing about getting out of the house?
I went shopping and spent entirely too much money.
I blame it on the fact that I don't shop outside of Amazon all winter here in New England, so when I DO get out, I go a little crazy.

 We hit up the mall to do some shopping at my favorite store, Nordstrom.
And we hit up our favorite lunch spot for a lunch date at Nordstrom Bistro Cafe.
If you've never been, it's a must try!

My absolute favorite thing on the menu is the chicken, artichoke, and goat cheese salad with a glass of pinot grigio.
It seriously is the BEST salad ever, and I think I could eat it every day!

 Just a random selfie on our outing because we were THAT happy about not having to bundle up in a million layers, coats, and boots to leave the house.

 It's crazy that the day before this nice weather, it was freezing, and my daughter was wearing her big jacket and scarf.
And yet, she still wanted a cold vanilla cream frapuccino from Starbucks after preschool on Friday. 
Crazy girl.

 I love the disheveled look of my daughter in the mornings.
I think she's just so cute.

Nick went to go visit his friend, Vince (one of the men our son is named after) yesterday at Arlington National Cemetery.
This picture he sent me stirred up so many powerful emotions in me.
I was just overwhelmed with just how powerful a bond and a brotherhood two men in uniform could have for one another.
Just writing about this is making me tear up.
 I know it was a tough and emotional trip for Nick, but I'm glad that he got to spend some time together with his friend.
There sure are a lot of people that miss you, SSgt Bell, and my husband may never be the same man with you gone, but I know he lives everyday to be a better man for men like you.

 And lastly, this little guy is under the weather.
He just has a mild fever he's been fighting since last night, and I'm guessing it's due to teething.
Either way, I hate seeing him so down in the dumps, but I am loving how cuddly he is.

I hope y'all had a fun Superbowl weekend!
Did you watch the game?!
Although it was a total blow out, and we went to bed after the half time show...


  1. Oh my gosh, that daddy doll picture is awesome. Well, actually, I guess the opposite of awesome but still a great picture.

    1. Thanks! That daddy doll creeps me out (like a voo doo doll or something), but my daughter loves it! So when daddy's gone, the doll comes with us...everywhere.

  2. Hope your little man feels better soon! I was going to wear my cowboys jersey for the game but knew my brothers would give me heck lol. I HAVE to try that salad! (Sounds like a great excuse to stop by Nordstrom!)

  3. We tried to fight cabin fever by going to nordstroms on saturday too!! We stopped by the cafe for some power shopping food and all three kids lasted about an hour, so I felt like it was a success! haha. And no super bowl for us either, I took all the kids grocery shopping. It was amazing, there was not one person in the store :) haha.

  4. Your salad looks really tasty!

    I hope your soon feels better.

    Nope, I passed on the Super Bowl. My husband flipped to it a couple of times though.

  5. That picture of Nick breaks my heart :(

    That is sweet that you still had a party for the kiddos. You are a great mom!


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