Monday, February 24, 2014

Alone Time and Princess Crowns

Tonight is officially the last night I will be sleeping alone (for now at least)!
My husband graduates tomorrow, and is driving back tomorrow night from VA (HOORAY!).
Here's is class photo, and that's his "non blurred out face" in the top left of the photo.
I blurred everyone out except him because I just want to focus on his handsome face...and in my opinion, he's the best looking one ;)
I am SO ready to include him back into our daily routine.
I mean the two trips he made home on the 3 day weekends he had were nice.
But it threw my routine off more than anything.
He wasn't home long enough to include him into our every day life, so nap times, schedules, and work outs all went out the window.

This last week that he's been gone has been so crazy with Mattis burning his hand, and all the trips to the doctor.
I was living in shock and living in my own guilt this past week, that I really didn't have much time to focus on myself as much.
Last night, while sipping on my pinot grigio after putting the kids to bed, everything just kind of hit me at once. 
I realized my mind and body were tired, stressed, and overworked.
All these emotions started pouring into me, and I told myself out loud that when Nick got back, I am doing something alone...without him...without the kids...
I haven't decided quite what, yet.
I thought about going out for drinks with some girlfriends, but then I realized I don't really have any close girlfriends that I really want to just be like, "hey, let's go have a few margs, and complain about life!"
Maybe I'll go to Target alone, and spend hours there just browsing (which will ultimately turn to shopping).
Maybe I'll just go get a room at a hotel with a day spa, and pamper myself.
Maybe I'll just go have dinner by myself at the Outback and sit at the bar, enjoy a cocktail, and a nice steak....peacefully.

I don't know...
But gosh darnit, I am doing something ALONE!
And thank God my husband is highly encouraging this.

Random photos...
I went to use the bathroom, and I came back to a crying little boy with a purple princess crown on his head and a big sister with a huge smile on her face...
poor kid.
I always find princess crowns on him and glitter all over him.
Just let it happen, dude....just let it happen...

He got over it and started to embrace it after a while....kinda.

Tomorrow night can't get hear fast enough.
I think I may be going a little crazy...


  1. Congrats on having your hubby back, and enjoy that time alone. I'm sure being alone and having to take care of the little ones has stressed you out enough! I vote for the spa day by the way (and I'll be jealous if that's what you do!). Such a cute picture of your boy! Haha embrace the princess hat.

    Just A Girl Blog

  2. Yaaay for hubby graduating and joining the family again!!! What a blessing =D Haha She wouldn't be a big sister if she didn't add nice sparkly crowns to her brothers head lol

  3. Keep that date with yourself! I think you earned it ten fold!

  4. I'm happy your hubby will be back and things can get back to normal for you guys!!

  5. The pictures with the crown are awesome.


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