Friday, May 29, 2015

Kindergarten Shenanigans

My baby finished Kindergarten today!
I bawled the night before Kindergarten while my husband looked at me like I was a weirdo.
It's just so bittersweet watching the little babygirl I gave birth to back in 2009 grow up so quickly right before me.

Dannika started Kindergarten at Memorial Elementary in Natick, Massachusetts....

She was only there for a month before we moved to Texas, and she started over at a brand new school.

I couldn't be more proud of how well she adjusted at the tender age of 5.
It also helps that we moved backed to the greatest state everrrrrr....and ended up at the BEST school ever...with the BEST teacher....

Yup...she went from dentist to cheerleader in one school year...

She went to ONE cheerleading clinic in the fall, and ever since then, she has decided that she wants to be a cheerleader...

 Dannika and her absolutely amazing teacher!
I have seriously contemplated holding my child back so that she could have her as a teacher again.
She's different than other teachers for many reasons....
She has the calmest voice, but can make a room full of Kindergarteners listen to her at the drop of dime.
She's become a friend of our family....not just a teacher.
I've been able to text her about randomness at all hours of the night...
I love listening to stories about her adorable and crazy daughter...
The bottom line is...
She's become more than just my child's teacher...
She has become a friend, and I know that Kindergarten will not be the end of our friendship.

 ONE of Dannika's Kindergarten BFF's.

She requested we take her to lunch at Chuy's after Kindergarten celebration!

Dannika had her classroom birthday celebration this week too, since she has a summer birthday.

She requested a cookie cake.
I put her on a balance beam since it's her favorite thing to do at gymnastics!

As sad as I am that Dannika's growing up so fast, I am so excited about her future.

Today, we watched a slideshow her teacher made of her class, and all the kids were asked, "What was your favorite part about Kindergarten?"

Dannika's answer...
"My favorite thing about Kindergarten was...subtraction."

I decided that it was her Asian genes that made her come to that conclusion about Kindergarten....



  1. My sisters and I have summer birthdays and never got a celebration at school.

  2. so sweet. I love that she wants to be a cheerleader! lol

  3. I love how you did the chalkboard signs! And when that time comes for our daughter, I am sure I will be bawling too! Sounds like her teacher is an amazing one, hopefully you continue to get more teachers like her!

  4. I love how you did the chalkboard signs! And when that time comes for our daughter, I am sure I will be bawling too! Sounds like her teacher is an amazing one, hopefully you continue to get more teachers like her!

  5. I love the chalkboard signs, so fun!


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