Thursday, May 21, 2015

Another "Life of Mattis" Post

My son is a hoot....actually...."hot mess" is a better description.
Never has there been so much chaos and destruction in our lives until this tiny little human being became a part of our family.
He has the most awesome giggles, and when his tiny little voice says things like "uh-oh!" and "bah, bah!" (bye, bye), it's hard not to smile.
When he snuggles up to me and says, "mama", or when he runs up to me to throw his chubby little arms around my neck when I go pick him up from the gym day care after a good work out, it's just enough to melt this mama bear's heart.


This sweet cuddly "babaloo" (our affectionate nickname for him) can be quite the.....ummm....handful...

Story behind this photo...
 Mattis is crying because he locked himself into the pantry. 
I opened the door for him to get out....but then he decided to get angrier that I saved him from the dark he did the logical thing and put himself back into it. Now he is upset because I locked the pantry so he can't lock himself in it anymore.

Then there's this...
Mattis is crying because he refused to take a bath unless we Skyped Gigi (my mom).
So Nick Skyped my mom, and let Mattis interact with her on his iPhone while he bathed him.
Mattis-1 Nick-0

Then the other night there was this...(which I don't have a photo for)...
Mattis was upset we would not give him fruit snacks because it was almost dinner time and he had already had some he thought it was cool to have a screaming meltdown....thrown a tantrum....slam Nick's Xbox controller on the floor causing the batteries the fly across the living room and almost taking Dannika and me Nick took the controller and put it away where he couldn't get it...which made him he threw my brand new MacBook on the floor.
All because he wanted fruit snacks.

But sometimes....
He can be so cute...
We went out to lunch today, and Mattis spent a portion of it trying to lick Nick's face...

Everyone warned me about boys...
I laughed and silently thought, "MY son won't be crazy. MY daughter was an ANGEL, therefore, my son will be an angel."

All of y'all who told me about the trials and tribulations of boys...

Y'all can now have y'alls last laugh...

The jokes on me...

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah, boys are pretty hardcore.. lol All three of mine are wild! ha ha


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