Saturday, May 16, 2015

Dancing In Texas

Today was Dannika's second ever dance recital!
What made this dance recital so special was the fact that my parents were able to come and watch her.
Every day, I am so grateful for this opportunity to be stationed in MY HOMETOWN!
I know a TON of military families that would D-I-E for an opportunity to go back to their hometowns for a little bit.
It just so happens MY hometown is home to one of the biggest military colleges in the nation, and MY husband chose to come HERE for ME instead of his beloved "Roll Tide" ( worries folks...he's a full blown Fightin' Texas Aggie now! I WIN!).
I'm gonna quit rambling, and share her photos!

Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos during the recital, so I didn't get any of her on stage.
She SHINED though!
She did 3 numbers....a ballet, tap, and jazz dance.

I can't believe how much she's grown up in the last 3 1/2 years!
It makes me sad.

I am so thrilled that my parents get to participate in our children's lives for these next few years.

And THANK YOU LORD....Mattis was an absolute ANGEL during the ENTIRE recital!!!!

Dannika and her dance teacher, Miss Macy!
Miss Macy is also a Fightin' Texas Aggie, and such an awesome teacher!
Dannika absolutely LOVED going to dance every week to see her.
Most importantly, Miss Macy always had a smile on her face :)

Say hello to my gorgeous MOM!!! 
Not my sister...MY MOM!!!

My parents celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary yesterday!
They immigrated here from South Korea...
Started their own business from the ground up....
Expanded that business to two locations in College Station...
They raised TWO AWESOME and pretty much PERFECT daughters (just a TINY bit biased)....
And most importantly...
They have kept God in the center of their marriage.
Happy belated Anniversary!!!!

Watching our first child...our baby girl...our princess...dancing today on stage brought so much joy into my heart.
I cried when she first came out and saw her beaming face on the stage. 
Nick won't admit it, but his eyes got a little "sweaty" too. 
We are so proud of you, Dannika Jane!
You're the shining star in our lives!


  1. This looks like so much fun! :) Love the photos.

  2. She looks like such a little princess! Happy anniversary to your parents too!

  3. She looks like such a little princess! Happy anniversary to your parents too!

  4. It's so amazing that you live so close to family! I bet they just absolutely love it! It would be really cool for that to happen, but there's only one (super undesirable) Air Force base near my hometown (about an hour away), so we actually DON'T want to go there, haha.

  5. That is awesome that you get to be stationed near family!


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