Since Nick's been on "light duty" for the last two weeks, my work out routine has been totally wrecked.
I've skipped days due to my new duty of chauffeuring my "almost blind" husband around, chauffeuring my 4 year old around to all of her activities, tending to my 7 month old, and also trying to keep up with my own errands on my calendar.
It's been crazy.
Six weeks ago, I sprained my right ankle pretty bad when I fell down a step in my house.
Six weeks later, it still hurts.
But of course, I'm great at giving advice, but never take my own advice....
I've been working out and running on it, and sometimes taping it down to ease the pain during a work out (I KNOW, I KNOW...bad idea).
Since my right ankle is hurt, the left side of my body has been overcompensating a bit when I work out, and in turn, I pulled a HUGE muscle somewhere around my left glute and my left hamstring.
So this inconsistent work out schedule (due to Nick being home) has given everything a few days here and there to "heal" when I can't make it to the gym or a work out.
My problem is that I start feeling agitated, irritated, stressed out, and angry when I go longer than 3 days without hazing myself in some way or another.
So I end up working out, and "reinjuring" the hurt ankle, and in turn not giving my muscle a chance to relax.
I'm basically just a hot mess right now....#dontcare
yeah...I just hashtagged on my blog...don't judge me.
After taking 3 days off, I couldn't stand it anymore, and despite the fact that I had a dull pain in my glute muscle and a still hurt ankle, I took my butt outside for a short run.
My run felt great......
That is until the <gail force winds> decided to almost knock me over, blow a rock into my eye (I was wearing my Oakleys), blow some leaves into my face, and slap my body with sand flying toward my body at mach force.
I'm surprised I managed 5 miles considering I was running into practically a tornado while dodging flying objects while in slight pain.

And by the way, currently, I can't walk.....
And thanks to my awesome 4 year old for taking photos of me doing my ab work out.
Flutter kicks! 1-2-3-1...1-2-3-2....
I'll one day learn to take it easy on my body...when I die.
So something totally strange happened in New England this weekend.
It felt warm.
Kinda like Spring?
I know, right?!
I'm all thinking, "What's going on mother nature? You must be in a gooood mood!"
Oh but no worries folks, mother nature hates me (or just New England), and is going to pour rain down on us for the next week.
Here's my big middle finger to mother nature right now....
Although Nick couldn't do much, our family spent the ENTIRE weekend just sitting outside talking, drinking beer, listening to country music, and watching the kids play.
Pure. Bliss.
Can you believe it was warm enough to get in bathing suits and turn the sprinklers on?!
We grilled and ate dinner out on the patio last night.
It felt almost like an evening in Texas, except it wasnt :(
I know Nick is itching to drive his new car.
Hopefully he gets cleared by the eye doctor this week, and he can finally take it out for a spin!
I love this photo of my two favorite men hanging out in the Chevelle and reading car mags.
Insert melting heart here.
Pray that mother nature is nice to me this week, and holds the rain off a little!!
Happy Monday, y'all!
Happy Monday, y'all!
Rain is better than snow...and thank god I will be in San Diego over the weekend while it rains here :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteWe are finally staring to get good weather around here too. I mean there is still snow that needs to melt, but we can go outside without snow pants on!!!! Yay!! Let's hope spring is here to stay for the both of us :)
ReplyDeleteYou kind of sound like super woman...with those running conditions I would have given up!
ReplyDeleteMm, the grill food looks tasty.
ReplyDeleteOuch, I'd have just relaxed with a wounded leg. But I'm lazy about working out anyway so any excuse I take, ha.
It's SO hot at where I am. Already in the 90's. That's what I get for living in the desert though.
ReplyDeleteJust A Girl
Love all of those pictures. And your description of your run during the tornado. Haha. Sounds like a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like one amazing weekend! I'll keep my fingers crossed for no rain!!