Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter, Y'all!

Happy Easter from our family to yours!
I hope y'all are all having an amazing weekend celebrating our AWESOME Christ's resurrection surrounded by ones that you love!
It was so awesome to see some new faces at our church today, and I hope that those new faces experienced God today and come back!
After church, I managed to snap a few quick photos of the kids in their adorable Easter attire.

So, I'm pretty sure we need to get this child an agent and a modeling contract.
I told her to look pretty for some pictures, and she gives me this "all serious Tyra Banks pose".

This is seriously the ONLY photo of her I got smiling.
EVERY photo I took, she did some crazy modeling, smiling with her eyes (smise), serious face, non

And...the General.
I tried really really hard to get a photo of the two of them together, but it was literally impossible to get them to both look at the camera at the same time!
Moms of 2+ kids...I know y'all know what I'm talking about!!!!!
I eventually threw in the towel and gave up.

Do y'all do Easter baskets for your kids?
I'm a sucker when it comes to doing little things for my kids, so there is no questioning me if I do them.
Nick thinks I tend to go a little overboard.....
That is until he sees their reactions...
Watching that face is all worth it, and I can tell by the smile on Nick's face that he's glad he's got a wife that's one of "THOSE MOMS". lol.

The General really could care less about his basket. In fact, he had more fun playing with the Easter grass that was inside of it.

Quick story about this Elsa doll...
I scoured the internet, Target, Toys R Us, Ebay....freaking EVERYWHERE for this dang Elsa doll.
Everywhere was either sold out, or people were selling them on Amazon/EBay for like 70 bucks!!!!
EVERYONE knew I was looking for this dang doll.
A friend from church was at Kohl's (of all places), and her daughter found it!
She bought the doll without even asking me if I wanted her to get it (knowing I'd say yes)!
SERIOUSLY...Dannika was OVER THE MOON that she finally got her Elsa doll.

As for the rest of our day...
We are headed to our (very Italian) neighbor's house today for an Easter feast that is fit for a KING!
We're so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing neighbors in such a great neighborhood.
We seriously couldn't have been given a greater place to live here in New England!
One perk of living in Massachusetts is that tomorrow is "Patriot's Day".
Patriot's Day is only celebrated here, and the famous Boston Marathon falls on this day as well.
This means Nick has the day off, and we get an extra day to relax together as a family! 

I really hope y'all had the best weekend ever!


  1. It is fun to follow your family through your blog and FB - keep up the good work, and get back to Texas.
    Wonderful pictures of the family and kids.

  2. Such cute pictures!! And we Italians sure do know how to cook a holiday feast! Easter was definitely one of my favorite holidays growing up, the food was always so amazing! This year we are not going all out since its just me and the kids, but the pasta and wine will be flowing :) haha! Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!

  3. Happy Easter!!! And yes, please get that girl a modeling contract. She nailed the modeling face!

  4. Definitely grab that girl an agent, she is top model material!
    I'm totally one of THOSE mom's who go overboard and I don't even care
    You have a beautiful family. I hope you all had a very blessed Easter :)

  5. You all look adorable in your Easter outfits! Your little girl seriously needs to model haha. She's got those fierce poses and looks, so cute. And people are crazy selling those dolls that much! Dang.

    Just A Girl

  6. Happy Easter!

    I found that Elsa doll at WalMart a while back and was happy. They go fast!

  7. Love the pictures!! Such a beautiful family :)

  8. Yall are such a beautiful family! Glad you had a wonderful Easter!



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