Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Boy Behind the Blog

Nick is back for the April edition of "The Boy Behind the Blog" (although, he prefers to be called the MAN behind the blog) series!
I'm pretty excited that he's been willing to participate!
I'm married to the guy, so I pretty much know everything about him, but I think it's cool to give y'all a glimpse into my better half.

Here. We. Go.

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in pink...of course):
1. Your significant other's blog: a blessing or a curse?
Its a little of both.  I like the fact that I can go back 4 years and see what we were up to but, so can everyone else.
Nick and I have had many conversations about what I can and can not post on my blog. I am very real and open about our life, but we do have a line. There is a LOT of personal things between Nick and me and our family that I would never write about. Things that we don't feel comfortable talking about with friends/strangers, I don't post.  
2. Do you read your wife's blog?
I read it everyday.
:) My blog was such an awesome way for him to keep up with our life when he was deployed. I'm glad to know he actually reads it every day :)

3. What is one thing you can do better than anyone that you know?
Drill, I know more than most and can perform better than most. I just don't have the soulful church voice to back it all up.  I do all right though.  
Nick was a Marine Corps drill instructor ("drill sergeant" for those not familiar with the Marine Corps), and he was also a Sgt Instructor at OCS for Marine Officer candidates. 
And his voice is loud and in charge...
He's been known to make grown men cry and pee their pants (true story!)

4. What is your favorite TV sitcom from the 90s?
Law and Order Special Victims Unit
It's just not the same without Chris Meloni....(Detective Stabler).
5. If you were opening a small business or shop, what would it be? What goods/services would you sell?
A garage restoring classic cars.
 Nick owned a 1968 Chevy C10 in high school that he restored. He's talked about that truck non stop since we met. He's always talked about owning another classic car that he could work on, and just a few weeks ago, he bought a 1972 Chevy Chevelle!
There's nothing hotter than a man who knows his American muscle cars!
There y'all have it!
Until next time....
Mal Smiles
Link up your Boys Behind the Blog Posts below!


  1. Haa Haa I love the DI photos -- was he East or West coast?

  2. I used to watch Law & Order SVU all the time! haha

    Just A Girl

  3. I love that he reads your blog!


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