Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Eyeballs & Easter stuff

Nick's been cleared by his eye doctor to "cautiously" resume normal activities.
Basically, he needs to ease back into his work out routine, and he's been taken off of 1 of the 3 eye drops he is on.
The only one the doctor took away was the one that dilates his pupil, so he'll be able to see.
This is a major "hallelujah" moment for me because in all honesty, I am SO DONE being his chauffeur, and vice versa.
I think my driving scares him.
I like to make last minute decisions on the know...just to keep everyone on their toes.
I saw these meme pop up on my FB newsfeed, and it accurately describes Nick in the passenger's seat while I drive him everywhere (with the exception to the part about me being his wife and not his girlfriend, of course).
Can you imagine if he had his full eye sight? lol.

He's still not completely "all clear".
We have two more appointments with another specialist and the ophthalmologist.

I was talking to someone today about how upset I still was with the parties involved in this accident.
When it comes to my husband and children, I become a mean mama bear.
One time on the playground, I saw a little boy knock Dannika over (by accident, I think), but seeing my baby on the ground just lit a fire to my mama rage.
I remember walking straight up to this little 4 year old boy, and yelling at him to watch where he was going.
His mom just looked at me in disbelief, and pulled her son aside to tell him to "pay attention".
That's right....I won that battle on the playground.
There was another instance when we were all taking a walk, and I was pushing Dannika in the stroller.
This group of middle schoolers refused to let me through with the stroller, so I shoved one of them into a brick wall with my stroller, and pushed another one into that same brick wall and said something along the lines of, "you don't mess with a woman with a baby in a stroller. show some respect, and move the he$# out of the way."
 Those 3 little boys saw Jesus that day, and as I walked away while pushing my stroller, they apologized profusely to my husband who was standing behind me.

Nick knows that when "mama bear" comes out, you don't mess with me.
He just let me go on my way.

I don't have anger issues.
I am a wife and a mother...who just happens to be a Korean Southern girl.
Don't mess with Texas, right?
My family is EVERYTHING to me.

Every year, we dye Easter eggs the week before Easter Sunday.
This year was Mattis' first year to join in on the "festivities".
Nick could barely see, but he made his contribution to the family Easter eggs.

So Mattis didn't do much...he just kinda sat there.
Way to contribute to the family, Mattis.

So we're missing an egg because Dannika broke one :(

Obligatory family photo with our completed product.

We also took our annual cheesy, mall photos with the extremely creepy Easter Bunny...
We were hoping for a good "cry photo" of Mattis, but he was a little too happy to be meeting the Easter Bunny.

My all time favorite Easter Bunny photo is this one...

Happt Hump Day, y'all!


  1. Glad to hear Nick's eye is getting better! I don't think Matthew would leave the house if it meant I had to drive him around everywhere! Haa! {And it sounds a little like Boston driving may have rubbed off on you?!} Curious: what do you do with the eggs after easter? Eat them? Throw them away?

  2. That last picture!!!! LOL! Such a keeper :)

  3. Aww, your eggs came out great and what cute Easter Bunny pictures!!

  4. I have my own Mama Bear moments too. I don't have any issues telling other kids to knock it off.

    My driving scares my husband too.


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