Friday, September 6, 2013

The Liebster Award

I got a really sweet comment on my last blog post from Laura at Going Green:Our Army Adventure telling me that she picked me for the Liebster Award! 

I've been following her blog for just a few weeks now, and I've been hooked.
She's an army wife blogging about her life in the military as a newlywed!
She blogs about everything from resources to helpful tips and advice for military families, all while sharing a little bit of her personal life as well!

Here's an explanation of the Liebster (that I copied and pasted from her blog).

A Liebster award is passed around in the blogging community through bloggers with under 200 followers.  
 When you get nominated for one, you graciously acknowledge who sent it to you by linking back to them, you answer the 11 questions the blogger came up with for you, and then you nominate 11 other bloggers and send them your 11 questions to answer in return.  And the cycle continues… 
So here are the questions Laura asked:
1. If you could have dinner with any famous human, who would it be? (explain, you know you want to anyway) 
I could name a ton of famous people I'd like to have dinner with, but right now, I would pick the Marine Corps' General James Mattis. Our newborn son is named after him, and I explained briefly why in this blog post. General Mattis is more than just a man with "witty sayings" and "cool catchy phrases". I would love to have dinner with him and pick his brain.
2. Be realistic, where do you see yourself in a few years? (a few could be 2, 10, 20, whatever)
I honestly don't know! Being married to an active duty Marine, you can never really predict where you want to be in the future. I just got out of a 10 year career as an active duty Marine to become a stay at home mom, and recently just gave birth to our second! I'd love to continue being a stay at home mom, use my GI Bill to finish college, and raise healthy, God loving children!
3. What is the one thing that can instantly make you happy, like turn your whole day around?
My husband when he comes home from work, deployment, separation, or wherever. He can make any bad day seem not so bad, and he's the most thoughtful person I know. He's also the reason why I get to be a mom to two wonderful kids, AND stay home with them. If that's not something that can make me happy, then I don't know what can!
4. What is the news headline you’re following most closely lately?
Is it sad that I haven't been following the news at all lately? I read a little about Syria, but haven't kept up with it. Most of my "news" has been looking up things on caring for a newborn.
5. If the concept of a bank account/bills didn’t exist, what would you buy yourself?
I can only pick one thing?! I would buy a huge plot of land in central Texas (where I grew up), and build my dream house exactly the way I want it. I'm hoping this becomes a reality in a few more years after my hubby retires from the Marine Corps, and we can settle down somewhere permanently.
6. Chocolate, vanilla, or twist?
I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so neither...
7. How do you relax? Share your favorite tip…
I like curling up on the couch by myself with my favorite reality TV show (mostly something on Bravo or Food Network), and a glass of wine. To me, that is pure relaxation. It's good to just be alone with a glass of vino sometimes.
8. Tell me three things you love about being you. (no skimping, THREE!)
(1) I love my background as a Marine because there aren't too many people who can say that, let alone women.
(2) I love that I love to work out and eat healthy. It's a big part of my life, and I think I do a decent job of keeping my family and friends motivated.
(3) I love being a wife and mom. Out of everything I've done and accomplished in my life so far, being these two things are the two things that I truly love and enjoy the most! 
9. White or Red wine?  Or is liquor quicker?
I love chilled Pinot Grigio and vodka. I don't drink much of anything else.
10. What makes you feel most accomplished, or what do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
 Being honorably discharged as a SSgt after 10 years of faithful service from the Marine Corps. I could go on and on with this, but my experiences in the Marine Corps are truly the reasons why I am who I am today and the reason why I am where I am today. I did my last 5 years with a knee and hip injury that ultimately ended my career at 10 years...just in time for me to be ready to get out and move on to other things. The timing was perfect. God's timing is always perfect.
11. What inspired you to start blogging?
My daughter! I started blogging when I was pregnant with her. I realized I'm not very good at scrap booking or keeping up with baby books, but I wanted a way for her to look back at our life when she grew up. Blogging just came natural to me. It's turned into so much more than just talking about our everyday life. I love it!

So here are the 11 Blogs that I pick!
I hope y'all all participate cause I'd LOVE to know more about y'all!
(I went off followers on bloglovin', btw)
1. Kate @ Daffodils 
6. Michelle @ You Had Me From Hello
7. Bri @ Tiny Texan
8. Kelsey @ Pardon My French
9. Allie @ My Marine and Me
10. Jen @ Jen and Her Marine
11. Ashley @ Love From Home

And here are my fabulous questions...
1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. Where is your favorite place to go (vacationing or just hang out at)?
3. Is your life today what you thought it would be 5 years ago? If not, what did you expect it to be?
4. If you could have one "do over" in life, what would it be?
5. What are your top three favorite songs of all time?
6. What's one piece of advice you would give your teenaged self?
7. Who is your "go to" person in life for advice and why?
8. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
9. Who inspires you other than your spouse or family members?
10. Who is your favorite celebrity?
11. What inspires you to blog?

I can't wait to read everyone's responses!!!
I hope everyone responds!!!
I'm nosey, which is why I stalk all of y'alls blogs.


  1. Glad you had fun with it :)! I'm going to go stalk the people you liked now!

  2. Congrats on your award. I'd take the chocolate/vanilla twist. Specifically from Dairy Queen with the cherry dip on it. YUM.

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