Monday, September 23, 2013

Mondays, BOB strollers, and Babies

It's Monday, and I'm "happy, happy happy." (yes, that was a Duck Dynasty reference).
Because I just got a text from my hubby that he was on his way home from work early.
I got to spend the morning with these two cute little angels.
Oh, and I managed to get a nice morning run into my day, I spinned, and I lifted some weights.
I'm trying to lose all the baby weight before the Marine Corps Ball in November!
I'd say that's a pretty darn good Monday, if I do say so myself!
Anyone else own the double BOB jogging stroller?
After running for 4 years using a single, the transition to the double is a challenge!
The stroller itself is very light, has great shocks, and is very durable. 
But running with it is a different story!
It's wide, and it's hard to slow it down when going down hill.
However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE BOB strollers.
I honestly think they are the absolute best jogging stroller for the running mama.
They're a little pricey, but they are worth EVERY penny (especially if you're putting tons of miles on it like our family does!).
Also, the one I have is the BOB Revolution SE Duallie (in case anyone is wondering).
I picked this one out of ALL of them because the front wheel can be locked and also unlocked to swivel.
I prefer running with a swivel wheel (for turns, etc), but my hubby prefers running with a locked front wheel, so this was the best fit for our family.
It's also the most versatile stroller.
Family photo sesh after a nice Sunday afternoon run.
Yes, my hubby pushed the stroller.
I refuse to push it when my husband is perfectly capable.
I also feel that it evens the playing field as far as athletic abilities go for the both of us, since I'm not in tip top running shape.

 This little guy made his debut appearance at church on Sunday.
Church must have worn him out, because as soon as we got home, he wanted his shirt all unbuttoned and wanted to take a nap! 
That's right little fella, let it all hang out. 
I was relieved that we survived the entire service with no meltdown, and it wasn't till the very end of service when I needed to take him back to the "nursing moms" room to nurse him really quick.
Other than that, he was an angel, and quite a popular little guy with all the people who hadn't had the chance to meet him yet!

The rest of our Sunday afternoon was spent just lounging around.

Daddy even tried "baby wearing".
He agreed that the Moby was the greatest thing ever.
Nothing manlier than a man wearing a baby in a Moby wrap, right?


  1. You go running with both kids in a double jogging stroller? You ROCK.

  2. I hooked my husband up the the moby wrap as well.. He said it was pretty comfy :)

  3. I have a revolution single and I love it, I used to nanny two kids that had a dualie and that is why I had to have a bob when I had my own baby. I still use my moby sometimes too, but I usually use the Ergo now that E is bigger, I think she is more comfortable.


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