Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunshine Award

Nicole from Adventures of a Semper Fi Family nominated me for a Sunshine Award!
How fun, and I'm totally honored that she chose my little old blog out of the hundreds out there!
She came up with 10 questions for me to answer about myself, and in turn, I'll nominate another 10 blogs that make me smile!
That's gonna be tough for me, because if I follow a particular blog, it means I really like it! 
Here are her questions for me!

1. What is the most recent thing you bought for yourself (food doesn't count)? Share a pic.
I don't have a pic, but last weekend, I bought a vintage tee for myself! It's my first post pregnancy shirt I bought. I figured since I haven't bought "non maternity" clothes in over 9 months, it was time!
2.  If you could hop a plane this weekend and go anywhere in the US, where would you go? Why?
I would go back to my hometown of College Station, Texas! I am a born and raised Texas girl, and it's the best state in the U.S.A.!!!! A few other reasons why I would choose CSTX (what us locals call College Station...along with C-Stat, Aggieland...), I want to catch an Aggie football game at Kyle Field, I want to eat some Blue Bell ice cream, I want to go to Wings N More for fried pickle chips, and I want to go to the original Freebird's to get a burrito!
3.  Who is the first person you call when you have good news?
My husband of course!
4. What is your least favorite blog topic to read?
I don't really like blog posts about politics. Politics give me a headache. 
5. What is your favorite blog topic to read?
I love reading about arts and crafts, DIY projects, and of course military spouse blogs!
6. What is the 10th picture on your phone (or computer)? We want to see it!
 This is a picture of my baby girl's first hair cut!
7. What is one thing you do to spoil yourself?
Drink wine alone and watch reality TV.
8. Who is your favorite coffee date?
My husband. We've spent so much of our marriage apart that I love spending every moment I get with him!
9. Share the link to your favorite blog post from your blog.
 This is my 5th year wedding anniversary post. It's one of my favorites.
10. What blogger would you most like to have a blate (blogger date)?
Ah...there's so many! I'd love to have a "blate" with all of the bloggers that I follow (and that's a lot!). Most of the blogs I follow are military spouses, and I find myself feeling like I already know most of them. I also have a lot in common with all of them just by reading their blogs! There's really not one I could choose!

1 comment:

  1. Dang, now I want to go back and look at the 10th picture on my phone.


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