Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
No, I'm not Irish...just straight Korean.
Nick, however, MIGHT be. 
He's a little confused about his heritage....
He claims English (that's a given), German, and Scottish...but he's not entirely sure about anything else.
And me, (being the racist that I am) have decided that since he is "Caucasian", he MUST have SOME Irish in him.
No, but seriously, I LOVE any reason to be festive and celebrate.
To me, it's a way to make memories with my family, so today was no different. 
Enjoy our pics from our Irish weekend!

Just a pic of Nick and I before leaving the house for church this mornin'

This is hilarious, and I'm sure D will think so in a few years. She was having an attitude with us at the grocery store, so Nick put her in time the floral department. 

My St. Patrick's Day carnations from Nick and Dannika :-)

A beautiful orchid I got as a gift from our landlord for Christmas. I've never kept a plant alive this long in my entire life!!!

Our Irish dinner....Irish bangers, fried cabbage, and garlic mashed potatoes...with green beverages all around for us!

Nick's beer had a 3 leaf clover in it!

I made a healthy green vanilla cake for dessert (no oil or eggs...just greek yogurt and water!)

D helping me make green frosting

Lots of sprinkles!

Frosting the cake

Enjoying the cake with daddy

Hope y'all had a fabulous weekend! Just two more weekends till Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some fun traditions. I am Irish and German and the only thing I did to celebrate was wear some green. Church activities got in the way for a real celebration so maybe tonight with corned beef and cabbage?

    Oh, we did have green cupcakes, too so I guess that counts.


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