Thursday, March 14, 2013

Domesticated Combat Boots

If you hadn't noticed already, my domain name has changed! 

I figured it was time for a blog makeover since we are no longer going to be "Romer, Family of 3".
I'm in the process of redoing my header and all that stuff don't freak out on me!
When I originally started this blog, it was my way of giving my daughter something to read when she is older about our life.
I wanted to give her a snapshot or a glimpse into what our life was like on a day to day basis.
It was also a way to chronicle our crazy life in the Marine Corps and keep our family updated back in the south about our daily adventures.

It's become clear to me that it has become a lot more than that.
I post about everything from life, parenting, military, to just photos, opinions, and other random thoughts and ramblings.

Also, my life has has drastically changed in the last couple months, and I needed a title to fit that.
I wanted the title to grasp the idea of a Marine turned "domestic goddess".

Ok....ok...maybe domestic "goddess" is stretching it a little.

But if you would have asked me 5 years ago, I would have never pictured being content with being a stay at home mom with a 3 year old everyday (while prego).
I would have never pictured myself feeling a sense of accomplishment after a day of doing laundry, folding laundry, deep cleaning my living room, doing pinterest projects with my daughter, and making home cooked meals from (basically) scratch every single night for my husband.

If someone would have told me this would be my life in 5 years (5 years ago), I would have laughed hysterically, and then I probably would have gone home praying to God to not let that happen to my life.

Funny, how life works out?

So here it is.
Domesticated Combat Boots.

I'm still the "tough" girl Marine that finds inappropriate jokes funny sometimes with a no nonsense kind of attitude.
I think a lot of my traits and qualities that I picked up in my 10 years in the Marine Corps will be things that I won't be able to get rid of.
"Old habits die hard"
My heart will always be with the Marine Corps...especially since my husband has decided to make a career out of it (I am basically stuck in this life for AT LEAST another 8 years).
I couldn't think of a better fit than taking a pair of combat boots and domesticating them.

Cause that's me! 

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Awe you beat me to it!
    I am so behind in revealing my blog change.
    Don't mind me if I put out a post kinda like yours in the next little while.

    Love the name change btw!!


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