Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's A...

Dannika's going to have a little brother!

She's still in denial. 
Ever since we found out we were pregnant, she has been asking me constantly for a little sister.
When the ultrasound tech told us it was a boy, she was heart broken.
She was almost in tears, and kept asking me to "change it to a girl."
It doesn't help that she is going through her "boys have cooties" stage.

We took her to the Carter's store after the appointment, and let her pick out an outfit for her new baby brother.
She's still in denial.
I'm sure she'll end up loving him once he's here.
I have plenty of time to start preparing her.

Poor girl.

But Nick and I are SUPER excited!!!

And his name...

Mattis Mark Romer

Mattis after the great General Mattis. 
One of the most influential Generals in our time in the Marine Corps, and someone that both Nick and I admire as a leader and a Marine.

Our son has a big name to live up to!

Mark is Nick's middle name :-)

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I appreciate every, single comment! Thanks for the love!