Sunday, May 29, 2011

Laughing Baby and a Waterhose

***The best sound in the entire world is the sound of my child's laughter***
It means she's happy.
It means she's having fun.

Oh how I love these chubby little feet.


  1. Every time I travel with my kids, I always make sure to bring a stroller with me! It’s really handy. I prefer to use these compared to using infant carriers or sling bags. I find them to be uncomfortable for me and to my baby.

  2. Love your blog. Thank you for sharing all of this information. Mom’s need to stick together, and cheer eachother on. I’m cheering you on! I was just wondering about formula. All supply/demand aside, what formula would you recommend to a mom that has to supplement, or is not able to breastfeed?


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