Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Things I Love Tuesday

When I say my prayers, the first thing I ALWAYS say is "Thank you for my life."
My life isn't perfect, but it sure is full of great experiences, amazing people, and good health.
I couldn't ask for much more.
As I sat here today thinking about what to blog about, I realized a lot has happened the last few days that I love.

Here are things the things that have happened in my life the last couple days that I love...

Nick and I love working out...
When we get to go to the gym together...I love it even more.
Shameless gym selfie...

After church on Sundays, I like to go the gym and do a light work out.
Nick prefers to stay at home to do yard work and projects around the house.
Miraculously, he agreed to come with this past Sunday!
I was pretty thrilled!

Saturdays for our family are normally spent just hanging out together at home.
Nick suggested that we head to the Franklin Animal Safari Park in Franklin, TX last Saturday.
It's a drive thru animal park where you can feed the animals as you drive through!
They come straight to your window.
We saw zebras, camels, llamas, pigs, hogs, longhorns ostriches, emus, deer, and TONS of other animals.
The kids had an absolute blast, and Nick and I did too!

I love a man who knows his way around a toolbox.
I'm lucky that I married such a handyman.
Ever since we bought our house, I've asked Nick to mount our bedroom TV in our room.
He did it for me this weekend, and even hid all the wires behind the wall!

I spend most of my days yelling phrases like, "NO MATTIS!" or "MATTIS, NO!"
But I can't help but love this cute little trouble maker of mine...
The other day, he got into my flour in the pantry and decided to play in it.
All I could do was scream for Nick because I had stuff all over my hands from preparing dinner.
And...I was afraid to see the inside of my pantry...

And then there was this...
He found my floss....

Having a daughter who is just like me!
Most Sundays, our family is yelling at each other and rushing each other to get out the door in time to make it to the early service at church on time.
Amazingly, last Sunday, we all woke up at a reasonable hour in the morning, took our time getting ready, and even got to enjoy breakfast together.
I even had time to curl Dannika's hair!
She loves getting dressed up and getting her hair "did".

Last night, she asked to do an oatmeal mask with me.
Seriously, she's like my mini me...she's dramatic (I don't deny my dramatic tendencies!), wears her emotions on her sleeve, and loves all things girly.

An amazing vacation bible school program for D!
Our church is still fairly new, and didn't do a VBS this year (they did do summer day camps all through the summer).
Our friend told us about an amazing VBS program at our local Christ United Methodist Church.
I signed up Dannika, and she ended up having an absolute blast!
The theme was "Everest", and they did all sorts of Mt. Everest themed crafts and games that glorified God.
We'll definitely be partaking again next year!

Delicious summer salads with a glass of chilled Pinot Grigio.
We eat a TON of salad during the summer.
It's easy, refreshing, light, and healthy.
With our summer schedule jam packed, it's nice to be able to throw something together in just a few minutes, and have a delicious meal.

What are some things y'all are loving these days?


  1. I love the look of a TV being mounted on the wall, it looks so much better!

  2. That salad looks amazing. I've been loving riding my back my husband bought me even though I thought I would hate it.

  3. I love that she asked to do a mask with you! Too cute! Also, our church did the Everest theme this summer too!


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