Monday, July 27, 2015

Choosing Good Neighbors

As a Marine Corps family that moves (on average) every 3 years, we are always thinking about where we're going to be living.
Is the house that we will be moving to bigger or smaller? two stories or one story? have a backyard or no backyard?
There's a thousand questions.
Nick and I have never lived on base, and we've always picked where we lived.
We've lived in everything from an 800 sqft apartment in San Clemente, CA to a 2600 sqft, two story home with a basement in Massachusetts.
But the one thing we can never choose is what neighbors we get.

Or can we?

EVERY SINGLE place we have lived at (6 residences total), Nick and I have been continually blessed with amazing neighbors who have become lifelong friends.
When we moved to Massachusetts, we were once again amongst some AMAZING neighbors.
 We couldn't believe it.
What are the odds?
Then the Romers invaded Texas, and AGAIN....
We ended up having the most amazing neighbors.

The thing is, my mom has always been a praying mom.
She has constantly prayed for us to be blessed with great neighbors every single time we have moved, and God has been extremely faithful to our family.
If y'all remember, I was extremely depressed and miserable when we moved to Massachusetts, and I am truly convinced that I really grew to love some of the things about living there because of the amazing neighbors we had.

Every place we have lived, our neighbors have become lifelong friends.

So, can you choose your neighbors?
But I am a strong believer that, with faith and prayer, God will always place your family right where your family needs to be.
So far, he has been so good to our family and our lifestyle.
It's like HE knows that struggles that our lifestyle can impose on our family, and he has always made sure that we have been surrounded by amazing people.

Our next door neighbors, Greg & Kayla have become some of our best friends.
It was their 1 year wedding anniversary yesterday!
We became instant friends when Kayla came to our house with fresh eggs while we were painting the inside of our home to introduce herself. 
Nick and Greg bonded over Nick's 72 Chevelle. 
Since then, we rarely go a week without hanging out with them at their house or at our house.
Last night, we went over to their house to watch their wedding video with them.
We are so blessed to have made such great friends who live just next door!

 This is Nick and Greg sitting all close and cuddly together last night.

Another blessing has been our neighbors across the street from us!
They have two girls and a boy!
Dannika has become such great friends with them, and we often take turns watching each other's children throughout the week.
Their middle child (and oldest daughter) is our "Mattis whisperer".
She comes over and watches him for me while I get things done around the house.
She helps me bathe him and put jammies on him at night.
She loves on him, and plays with him.
I couldn't ask for a better group of kids on our street!

How have your neighbors been?


  1. We have been pretty lucky when it comes to neighbors, none have been completely atrocious haha.

  2. That is amazing that you have great neighbors!

  3. We have amazing neighbors who have become good friends. Glad you've been continually blessed.


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