Monday, July 13, 2015

Then She Turned 6

My sweet sweet baby girl turned 6 yesterday!

Every single year, I catch myself saying, "where does the time go?!"
But seriously with every year that passes, it seems to go faster and faster.
Here are some things that have happened since her last birthday...
*Daddy graduated from OCS, and we took a trip to Quantico, VA to watch him graduate
*Started Kindergarten at Memorial Elementary School in Natick, MA in Mrs. Loer's class
*Moved to Texas a month after Kindergarten started (her 3rd move in 6 years of life!)
*Started Kindergarten again at her new school at Forest Ridge Elementary in College Station, TX in Mrs. Weaver's class
*Started her second year of gymnastics at Brazos Valley Gymnastics
*Started her second year of dance at Suzanne's School of Dance
*She "graduated" from Kindergarten

Since she had her big Cinderella party  back in June right after school got out, so we kept it low key this weekend.
"Low Key", however, turned into a birthday weekend for our sweet girl.
On Saturday, our sweet neighbors came by our house with a gift to have a small cake and candles and homemade pizza with us.
In true "Dannika fashion", she dressed to match her Frozen cake.

She got to open gifts, and her favorite gift this year was her new tumbling mat!
She's been wanting one to practice her gymnastics at home :)

Then on Sunday, my parents came to our house to hang out, and take Dannika to dinner at Outback Steakhouse (her choice, of course).
I say it all the time, but I am so thankful for this opportunity to live by my parents, and have them be a part of our special days!

This photo got a TON of likes on Instagram and Facebook.
My mom showed up to our house with her very own "selfie stick".
And insisted on using it even after I offered to snap a photo for them.
Oh're so Asian....

My parents at Outback with the birthday girl!

I'm so proud of the big girl she is becoming.
I know that Nick and I can be hard on her at times, and we catch ourselves reminding each other to "back off" a little and be easier on her. 
She really is the easiest child to parent, and we continually thank God every day for choosing us to be in charge of her life here on earth.

To my Dannika Jane...
Keep smiling that beautiful smile...
Keep twirling and dancing to Taylor Swift...
Keep being the bright shining star in our lives...
And most importantly...
Keep loving God.

Mommy and Daddy


  1. Love this!!
    So glad she had a wonderful weekend!!!

  2. Aw. They grow so dang fast.

    I should get Natalie a mat to practice on.

  3. Such a cute post! Happy Birthday to Dannika!

  4. Aw, happy birthday, Dannika! Also, I totally got a tumbling mat for a birthday gift when I was around her age... but mine was boring solid blue!


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