Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I'll be in the same state as Nick!
I've been so excited since Sunday, that I've gotten no sleep.
I've been having this anxious feeling in my gut, and it just keeps my adrenaline going...which in turn means no sleep.
But I really could care less!
It's been several years since I've experienced a "deployment homecoming", and I haven't felt this kind of excitement since he came home from Afghanistan last time.
We've had TONS of "see you laters" and "welcome homes" with each Summer he left for VA,  for every course/school the Marine Corps sends him to, and for every field/training excercise.....
But for some reason, this one feels different.

I think it's the lack of communication for 10 weeks.
I think it's the anticipation of finally starting a new exciting chapter in our family's lives and Nick's career.

In the last few letters I've received from Nick, he seems happier than he's ever been.
He just sounds like a completely different person...in the best possible way ever.
I really think that AMOI duty was just not a fit for him, and he was in a "rut" since he came here.
We've ALL been in a rut since we came here.

I feel like I'm on a high...
I can't wait to get the heck outta this snowy state...
We're buying our second home when we move to Texas, and I CAN'T WAIT to start house hunting...
I can't wait to finish the Summer off with BBQ's, country music, beer, wine, friends, and a house full of laughter.

Did I also mention that I can't wait till he sees what I've been working on in the gym?
I posted this photo on my Instagram this morning.
"One last intense workout before we go see hubby tomorrow!!! I had lost all my baby weight 7 months ago, but I was disappointed in how much tone I had lost after giving birth (the second time). So in the last 10 weeks since he left, I kicked up the intensity of my weight training, added some HIIT work outs on top of my regular cardio routine. And of course a clean diet"

TWO more days, and I get to wrap my arms around my main squeeze!!


  1. A.) You look GREAT.
    B.) Congrats to Nick for graduating!

    Enjoy your time with him!

  2. You look fantastic!

    Have fun seeing Nick!

  3. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you all! And you look great lady!


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