Monday, August 11, 2014

OCS Graduation Day!

Friday was graduation day for Nick.
The OCS graduation days are held on the parade deck at Brown Field on Quantico.
Usually, August graduations are pretty miserable for the families because it gets so hot and so humid.
I remember Nick telling me the last two summers about how awful graduations were when he was a Sgt Instructor.
The heat, the humidity...everyone was just miserable.
Lucky for us, the weather was absolutely gorgeous.
It was mild and slightly sunny.
I couldn't have asked for a nicer day.

She was so excited to see her daddy in the "parade"

So there's Nick...front and center of his platoon!
He was the platoon commander for his platoon for graduation.

The ceremony overall was nice. 
When you've seen one, you've seen 'em all.
It was pretty similar to a regular recruit training graduation.

Nick's old CO from 5/11 is currently stationed at Quantico, and he came out to see Nick.

From L to R: Nick's MSgt from 2/11 (retired), Nick, Nick's old 5/11 CO, and Nick's fellow drill instructor from MCRD San Diego (who is a Sgt Instructor this summer at OCS)

I received more compliments on my shoes than I did congrats for
So, for those who want to know, they are Michael Kors from Nordstrom.

Nick and his Sgt Instructor, GySgt Williams.

Mattis was the only baby that decided to make a ruckus during graduation.
Thank God he fell asleep halfway through it.

After graduation, we had a few hours before our evening flight back home.
We decided to drive down to D.C. and visit Nick's buddy, Vince at Arlington National cemetery.
For those who don't follow my blog, my son's middle name is after Vince, so it was important to us that he get to meet "Uncle Vince" for the first time.
It truly was a surreal moment.

 I sat there and watched a few other families visiting their loved ones. 
They looked somber as they sat there while Dannika frolicked amongst the heroes buried there while Mattis curiously explored Vince's headstone. 
I couldn't help but think how beautiful it was that children can find such happiness and peace in a place where families and friends lay their heroes down in their final resting place.
 I know Vince loved kids, and there's no other way that he'd rather have my children come visit him...cheerful, happy, full of life and curiosity.

I can't wait for the day when my son will be able to truly understand what an amazing man Vince was.
I can only pray that my son will grow up and honor the name that he holds.

We drove around DC and did some sightseeing.

It was a long day, and by the end of it, we were SO ready to be home!
We are totally enjoying life with daddy back home, and loving every minute of it!


  1. Congrats to your husband! It looks like it was a wonderful day - and that's awesome that you were able to do some exploring afterward! :)

  2. Congratulations to Nick! And you and the kids too! Sounds like Mattis is practicing for his own "hell raising Marine" days!

  3. YAY YAY YAY!! Congrats to you all! So glad that it's over!!


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