Thursday, August 21, 2014

Is it "Duck" or "DUKW"

Yesterday, our family checked off another item off of our "Boston Bucket List".
It's basically a tour of the city on a WWII style amphibious landing vehicle called the "DUKW".
They drive you around the city showing you famous landmarks while giving you a little bit of a history lesson.
You end the tour with the vessel going from driving on land straight into the Charles River where you get some pretty awesome views of Boston from the water.
 Boston is a very pretty city.....
When it's not freaking cold and snowy for 6-7 months out of year, or fighting the thousands of Massholes on the pike...haha.

There are 3 locations you can take the Duck Tour from.
We chose the Museum of Science because they have fairly reasonable parking prices (for Boston, that is).
Here's Dannika and her duck lollipop in front of a model of a skeleton of the duck boat.

The Trinity church (constructed in 1733) still holds regular services.

Once the boat was on the water, the conDUCKtor (harharhar) let Dannika steer the boat.
 Funny dialogue between Dannika and the tour guide..
TG: Where are you from?
D: (without hesitation) CALIFORNIA! (notice she does not claim New England AT ALL..good girl).
TG: What are you doing here in Boston?
D: (shrugs shoulders)
TG: Are you here on business?
D: (shakes head yes)
TG: Nice, what do you do for work?
D: Make people laugh
TG: Nice! You looking for a more permanent job? I can give you a job.

My normally loud and unruly son was SO good on the tour. 
He was totally intrigued by all the sites and sounds.
He eventually fell asleep.

This was the boat we rode!

The ceiling of the boat is signed by military service members and veterans only.
So, of course the Romer's tagged it.

A picture of a picture

All in all, we really enjoyed the Duck Tour.
They offer military discounts!
I knew Boston has so much history in it (being the birthplace of 'Merica), but I learned so much on this 85 minute tour.
We got to see where the Declaration of Independence was read out loud for the first time.
We got to see where John Hancock's family was buried.
We saw where Ben Franklin used to like to swim.
The tour made me appreciate Boston as a city more.
I can't help but wonder what our founding forefathers would think of Massachusetts today (one of the most HIGHLY regulated states in the country).
They'd be rolling over in their graves.
They'll probably be more content in places like Texas (shameless plug)

1 comment:

  1. We took it from the Pru last year, but I took the train in with the boys because I thought they would have fun on the train (which they did). Then we did the observatory in the pru afterwards. You should have parked at the coast guard station - we park there with our ID all the time for free and just walk where we need to get.


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