Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mom's Day Out

Today is MY day!
A whole day to myself with no responsibilities.
The only thing I wanted from Nick when he got home was to have a day to myself to do whatever.
I'm currently having a glass of Pinot Grigio and blogging, cause these two things make me happy.

I posted this on my Facebook page last night:
Tomorrow...I am spending an entire day ALONE!!!! No carseats to deal kids. Nick gets to play solo parent while I get to hang out at target, go to the mall, get a spray tan, a pedicure....maybe a martini (or 2). The possibilities are endless. NEED time alone! When's the last time you had a day to yourself without your kids?!

I got a TON of "likes".
I also saw that some of my friends have never been apart from their kids for longer than a few hours (if at all)!
I can't imagine not ever taking some time for myself!
I spend 24/7 with my kids, and I take on 100% of the parental responsibilities every time that the military takes my husband away.
And no...2 hours won't cut it for me.
I feel that to be the best mom I can be to my kids, I need the time to unwind, be alone, and get recharged every once in a while. 
Maybe it's not for everyone, but it sure is for me!
Alone time and date nights....that's the key to my sanity and my happy marriage!

So what did I do today, you ask?
My husband and daughter cooked breakfast for me (like they do every Saturday).
It's become a family tradition.

Here's Mattis and I waiting patiently for our food to be ready...

 After breakfast...
I went to TARGET of course!
Minus the endless amounts of an envelope....I don't carry my cash in an envelope...that's super ghetto....but if you each their own!

Here I am in all my glory with my tall skinny vanilla latte with soy browsing the aisles of "Tarjay" alone.
I silently laughed inside every time I saw a mom in there with her kids hanging off of her, hanging off her cart, a baby strapped to her, and/or a baby in the cart.
"HAHAHAHA....I bet you wish you were me in my cute skinny jeans, Uggs, and my Starbucks That's what I'm always thinking when I'm at Target any other day with my kids, and I see a woman in there alone just taking her time.
I ended up spending a good hour at Target, and surprisingly did not spend as much as I thought I would.
I came to the conclusion that I probably spend more at Target when I have my kids with me, because I don't really have time to think about my purchases until AFTER I'm home.

Next, I headed to the mall to do some shopping.
I felt super cool.
Sunglasses, country music blaring...
I own a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, and I always thought the cool factor of being a Jeep owner went down a little when I have two kids in carseats in the back.
Today, I felt like the "cool" Jeep owner.

I spent two FANTABULOUS hours at the mall.
I ended up making a few awesome purchases.

This awesome tee from Express that is currently on sale for $23.94

This Metallic Jacquard flippy skirt from Express that is 50% off making it $24.95!

Camo print ankle legging pants from NY & Co. for $59.95.
All pants were buy 1 get 1 free, so I ordered another pair of just regular skinny jeans to be delivered to my house since they didn't have my size.

This denim blazer at NY & Co. for $74.95.

I seriously had such a great time by myself getting to actually SHOP.
I LOVE to shop, and because of my responsibilities to my kids, it's hard to find the time to really do some shopping alone.

I did some grocery shopping alone, and ran a few errands as well.

My brave husband took BOTH kids to the movie theater to watch the Lego Movie.
He said a few guys came up to him and called him "a brave man".
Of course both kids were angels for him, and our 6 month old gave him zero probs.
My husband even got my daughter dressed, AND did her hair.
He texted me this photo of her hair...
And told me he Youtubed how to do
He was so proud of himself.

I loved my day today.
I couldn't wait to get home and hug my kids, and tell my husband about all the great things I did.
I didn't get to do ALL the things I had originally planned (because my trip to the mall lasted longer than I had planned), but just spending 6 hours by myself was so nice.
It reminded me that my identity is so much more than "just a mom" and "wife"
I'm a girl who loves to shop and a girl who loves fashion.
I'm a girl that loves to sip on her lattes slowly.
I'm a girl that loves to blare music in the Jeep (and if it weren't so cold, I'd have the windows down and the top off).
I'm a girl who loves nice handbags (it was so nice not to carry a diaper bag for once).

I really think (in my unprofessional opinion) that EVERY mom needs a day out or a night out by herself.
Taking a day away from your kids is not gonna hurt your kids or hurt you.
If anything, they need the time away from you.
Someone once told me, "Don't you think your kids get tired of you too?".
I feel completely rejuvenated, and I'm so ready to jump back into "mommy mode" when my husband goes back to work on Monday. 

So for now, I'm going to enjoy the rest of "my day", finish my glass of pinot grigio, and tonight, I'll be cooking dinner for my family.


  1. Yay! You got your day! I love all those things too when I'm alone. Target, shopping, buying cute clothes... love the camo pants BTW. Glad your feeling refreshed and ready to go.

  2. I completely agree!! So glad you got a day to yourself! :)

  3. So glad you had a great day out to yourself! You are right -- sometimes, that little break is absolutely necessary!!

  4. So jealous! Glad you had a good time!


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