Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Just Dance

I had a long post planned for today about things that were bothering me.
It was mostly about military life and how civilians just didn't get "our life"....
I'm glad I didn't post it.

My family and I blared Texas country music....
I danced with my 4 month old son to Reckless Kelly...
I drank Chardonnay...
I watched my husband teach my daughter to two step...
I thought about Texas...

and after both of our kids were pooped, tired, and ready for bed...

I danced in my living room to George Strait and Alan Jackson...

with my best friend, lover, and husband...

We slow danced while our 4 year old was passed out on the couch...
while our son was swinging in his swing making an occasional fuss...

We ignored it all...

We just danced....

Sometimes...you just gotta dance...


I appreciate every, single comment! Thanks for the love!