Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First Parent Teacher Conference

I'm gonna be cliche....
But, where does the time go?!?

My husband and I had our very first parent/teacher conference with Dannika's preschool teacher on November 22.

As parents, we were both so excited for it because outside of what Dannika tells us about her day at school, we really have NO idea what she does all day after we drop her off!
I was so anxious to hear what Dannika's teacher, Mrs. Danielson, had to say about her.
I knew it would be all good things, because I know my daughter well enough to know that she is the farthest thing from a trouble maker.
But I was still blown away by all the great things that was said about her, and it also felt really good to be told that Nick and I were doing a great job raising her.

This is the summary I got from our parent/teacher conference:

delightful, happy, engaging, great effort, wants to please, doesn't back away from a challenge, great imagination, aware of others' preferences (example: she mentioned to her teacher that "Shira likes to draw." Her teacher told me she was surprised at how much she pays attention to what each and every classmate likes/dislikes. She said it's not normal for a a 4 year old to have that much attention to detail!), compliments peers and adults.

Areas for Improvement:
To assert herself (this goes back to her being a people pleaser), take a bit more initiative/leader (Dannika is a go with the flow kind girl, and is the farthest thing from the "bossy" type like I was), to share teacher attention (sensitive to what compliments are given by the teacher to peers...meaning if the teacher compliments another student, Dannika is really sensitive is she doesn't receive a compliment as well).
Lastly, she should improve as her self confidence increases.

What are the child's favorite/preferred preschool activites?
Dress up clothes, doll house, exploration table, music, dancing, singing, read aloud stories, manipulative materials.

I'm so proud of my baby girl, and what a beautiful and intelligent young lady she is becoming!
She's so independent that it makes me sad sometimes!
I can't believe Kindergarten is just around the corner!
Again....where does the time go?!?


  1. Aww she sounds so great!! Pat on the back to you and the hubs.

    And I know what you mean, Ace has his parent teacher conferences next month, and I am anxious and excited about it!


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