Friday, July 5, 2013

Swimming & Vacation Bible School Fun

We have been ridiculously busy these last few weeks here in Houston!
Between swimming lessons and vacation bible school, I'm not sure who's more tired, Dannika or me!?
She graduated from her first swim class, and is now ready for the next class (which we will start when we return to Boston).
It's so crazy how far she's come along in the pool!
When we first started the class, she refused to put her face in the water, was scared to jump into the 2 feet deep baby pool, and she refused to get into the regular swimming pool even with floaties on!
She now swims UNDERWATER by herself without any assistance or floating devices, can float on her back, and can swim on her back unassisted.
I was thoroughly impressed with how quickly she got over her fear of water, and how quickly she learned how to swim!
And as a "proud mama moment"....
She was the youngest kid in her class!!!!
All the other kids were 4 1/2 years old to 5 1/2 years old, and she kept up with all of them and at times did better than them!

My mom's been volunteering at VBS for the children's lunch prep, so I've been sticking around all day just hanging out at church, and taking a toooon of pics of Dannika.
My parents attend a Korean church, so the VBS is 50% spoken in Korean and 50% spoken in English.
It's amazing how fast she has been picking up on Korean.
I don't speak Korean to D a lot at home because I'm married to a plain old English speaking white boy from Alabama, so it's nice to have her exposed to it here in Houston.
My mom and grandparents speak Korean to her, and she's been eager to learn!

This is her VBS class photo.

Splash day.

On the last day of VBS, they had a HUGE foam party!
Such a cool idea!

Dannika's been absolutely spoiled and has been having a blast!
I know she'll be sad that today is the last day of VBS, but I'm exhausted, and am glad it's finally over!

I hope everyone had a great week!
My hubby will be here in one more sleep and a wake up!!!!!!!
We are soooo excited!!!


  1. Looks like she's having fun! Are you planning on teaching her to speak fluent Korean?

  2. The tenets for self-teaching fluctuate from state to state,paper help yet wherever you are, one of the problems homeschoolers confront is secondary school graduation.

  3. Other advantages include being able to breath away from oncoming waves or fumes from boats during escorted swims.water beads


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