Monday, July 15, 2013

Back "Home"

I put the word "home" in quotation marks because New England still does not quite feel like home to me.
Home to me is Texas.
Home to me is California.
Texas being my first love, and California being my second.

When we used to live in California, I used to get excited about going back there after a vacation in Texas.
We had a ton of friends there, we owned our home there, and it was where Nick and I had started building our lives together.

Coming back to New England today felt "off" and a little somber for me.
I wanted to stay in Texas...
I didn't care that Nick, D, and I were crammed into the guest bedroom of my parent's house.
I was content there.

Like they say..
"Home is where the Marine Corps sends us." (insert your branch of service)

Maybe soon enough, this place will feel "homey", but not now.

Thank goodness I took a ton of pictures, and have them to look back at to remind me of the wonderful summer I had.
I seriously think it's one of the best Summers I've had in 10 years. 
I haven't gotten to spend that much time back home since I joined the Marine Corps, and it's another "perk" of my decision to get out and become a SAHM!

Stay tuned for a few posts on our adventures in Texas!


 Thanks for the absolutely wonderful Summer, Texas!
Until next time!


  1. Awww I grew up in Maine, and have a lot of good memories of the summers up there. Although the winters are long and miserable, if you don't like the cold and snow, the summers, to me, were perfect! Hopefully you'll be able to feel a little more "at home" in New England soon!

  2. Home will always be where your heart is.
    It's ok if Boston never feels like home. Just as long as you remember to make the best of where God and the military has you. (I am saying this to myself more than you, haha!) ;)
    Now on to the final countdown to baby M! :)


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