Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sunshine Farm (Sherborn, MA)

Just so you can take a look at our "beautimous" faces before you skip read through my blog :-)
(yes, my daughter is blowing a kiss...all "pageant girl" like)
We stayed BUSY BUSY today!

Our morning started out with a prayer breakfast at our church (which was OUTSTANDING!).

By the time we got home, we didn't want to waste a beautiful Saturday, so we decided to head to Sunshine Farm to do some blueberry pickin'!
It is literally walking distance from our house, and we drive by it every Sunday on our way to church.
I had been wanting to check it out, and today was the perfect, sunny, New England Summer day!
 They have seasonal fruits that you can go pick at different times of year.
Right now is prime pickin' for blueberries and raspberries (actually, the the raspberries were pretty picked out).

Hubby and I are also super ready for college football season...hence the Fightin' Texas Aggies hat (on yours truly) and some team from Alabama (on my hubby's hat) ;-)

This picture does no justice to just how large some of these blueberries are!!!!
They are also slightly tart (just the way I like them) and DELICIOUS!

Look how BEAUTIFUL the sky is! 
Our God is truly amazing!

We ended up picking just under a pound of blueberries and it cost $4.60 which is slightly cheaper than the grocery store.
They taste way better, are bigger, and we're supporting a local business!
They also have fresh produce grown from their farm in their little store.
We ended up buying some cherry tomatoes, and I used them to make home made butternut squash and fire roasted tomato soup! (will post recipe later)
They also have an ice cream stand that they only open during the warm months, and they seriously have the most AH-MAZING ice cream EVER!
(of course nothing compares to Blue Bell ice can't ever change THIS Texas girl's mind about that!).
If you're ever randomly in the metrowest area of Boston, I highly recommend you go and check this place out!

1 comment:

  1. We went blueberry picking last weekend and ended up with 5 lbs of blueberries...which are all gone already.


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