Tuesday, July 1, 2014


My last post on "jogging stroller" rules was satirical in nature.
I wrote some "rules" on my blog, that me (as a jogging stroller running mama) thought EVERYONE should follow, because quite frankly...I'm always right....(sarcasm).
I guess some people didn't quite get it that way.
I totally understand, since it's hard to convey sarcasm over the internet in writing.

Either way...
I do believe that when you see a woman coming towards you with 2 kids in a gigantic jogging stroller, it's a lot easier for someone who doesn't have that sort of "baggage" with them to move out of the way. 
If you've never ran with a double jogger or even a single jogger at that, pushing that much weight and maneuvering it around tight sidewalks is a challenge in itself.

All I really wanted to convey was for everyone to be courteous to the poor mama out there running while pushing 100lbs of stroller and kids.
On my run a few days ago, I encountered some people who were taking a walk, and did not move out of the way for me.
I had to finagle my giant stroller off road to the side of the sidewalk (where there was no room for a double jogger), where I almost lost control, and tipped my stroller over, simply because two people didn't want to step aside in the grass for me to pass.

That sucks that some of y'all didn't quite get my sense of humor in that post.

On a totally random note,
It's JULY!

That means this is the last full month we will be without Nick until he's home next month!!

We are officially on Week 5 of 10, and it feels so awesome to say we're halfway done with this separation!
For completing Week 4, Dannika got to go to Crumbs Bakery in the Natick Mall to get a cupcake!
She picked out a red velvet cupcake as her treat!

The other morning, I was making breakfast, and when I looked over, this little guy had climbed onto Dannika's couch all by himself.
He was sitting there just as happy as a clam...hilarious.

Went to my favorite store Target, and let Miss Emilee push the cart and watch the kids while I did some shopping, and this is what happens...lol.
Crazy kids.

With the weather warming up, during the day it's too hot to take the kids to the park.
We've done a few Jam Time days (indoor playground) to wear the kids out...specifically Mattis.

So, here we go onto Week 5!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope that some of y'all at least understood some of the humor in my last blog post. 
It wasn't meant to offend or upset anyone, and it was written with a light hearted sense.


  1. I totally agree with you. I do think people should be considerate and scoot so you workout mamas can do your thing. :)

  2. Okay, I don't run. BUT if I saw a mama comin at me with any kind of stroller I'd hop my happy butt the the side. I mean...common sense I think. :)

  3. I'd love that bakery!

    I got your post. Some people don't have a sense of humor.

  4. You won't have to worry about me blocking your running path -- the only way I'm out running is if a rabid dog is chasing me! ;) Anywhoo ... Dannika has GREAT taste in cupcakes. Red Velvet are delicious!

  5. Double joggera are the size of small Hummers. I definitely move my behind for them!


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