Saturday, July 26, 2014

Organic Green Tea Matcha Powder

Note: I received a free sample of this product for review. I was not compensated monetarily. All of the opinions stated are mine.

I've seen on Instagram lately, a lot of people post smoothie recipes with "green tea matcha powder".
If you know me, I love a green smoothie packed with tons of veggies.
I've heard of matcha tea powder before, and I'm pretty sure I had a drink at Starbucks that contains it.
That's about as far as my knowledge on it went.
I did some Googling on it, and surprisingly found some pretty awesome health benefits of it.
Just a few:
*Increased energy
*Burns calories
*Detoxifies body
*Improves memory and concentration

So when I was asked by Kiss Me Organics to write a review on their organic green tea matcha powder, I jumped on the opportunity!
They are exclusive to Amazon, and being an Amazon Prime member, I received it within two days with free shipping!
  One bag has 4ozs, and it's recommended that you have 1/2 tsp to 1tsp a day.
If you do the math, this little bag will last you 2-3 months (depending on how much you use)!

It says you can use it in lattes, smoothies, and baking.
I'm not much of a latte person at home, and I don't bake, so I decided to try it in a smoothie.

Here's my smoothie recipe.
The measurements are estimates, since I never measure anything.

2-3 cups of water (depending on how thick or runny you like your smoothies)
1 cup of frozen bananas
1/2 cup of frozen strawberries
1/2 cup of frozen cauliflower
handful of spinach
1/2 cup of greek yogurt
1/2 tsp of Kiss Me Organics matcha powder

When you open the bag, the smell is really intense and strong.
It's not an unpleasant smell (it's more like an earthy smell).
 I got the impression that the taste and smell of the powder would overpower my smoothie.
But after blending it with all my other ingredients, you couldn't even tell it was in there.
The powder is extremely fine, so it can be blended into just about anything.
They also send you a FREE recipe guide with different ways to use it!

My smoothie was delicious!

It's a perfect "little something" to add to your everyday smoothie for a boost of added health benefits!

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