Sunday, July 27, 2014

11 Months Old

Mattis is officially an 11 month old as of YESTERDAY!!!
I can't believe that he'll be 1 next month!

Some cool new tricks this month..

*You blow kisses!
It's the most adorable thing ever, cause you stick one finger in your mouth and pop it out!

*You give high 5's like a BOSS!

*You started the "assisted walk" yesterday!
I'm hoping you hold off on walking unassisted until you see daddy (in 12 days!).

*Your new favorite thing to eat in the whole world is blueberries!

*Our neighbors have nicknamed you "the Prince" or "the Royal Highness" because you're a teeny bit high maintenance.
You have to have things your way, or it is the end of the world.

*Your absolute favorite toy in the entire world is a ball.
It can be a medicine ball, a soccer ball, a bouncy ball...any sort of round object can entertain you for hours!
The ladies at the gym daycare always pull out all the balls when you arrive.
We've also discovered you have quite an arm on ya!

I can't believe you'll be 1 next month!!!
I'm so excited that daddy will be here to celebrate it with you!
We love you, our little prince!


  1. So sweet! He's growing up so fast!

  2. He's so stinkin cute!!!! Almost 1...? That went so fast! Is so great hubbys going to be home to celebrate.

  3. What a cutie!! I can't believe it has been 11 months already!!

  4. Such a sweet boy! Hard to believe its almost his birthday!

  5. He is getting so big so fast!! But still cute as can be!

  6. I love when they blow kisses <3 He's a cutie pie!


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