Saturday, May 3, 2014

Welcome May!

Can you believe it's May, already?!
It's a little bitter sweet for me, because it's the last full month Nick will be with us until AUGUST!
He's leaving for OCS at the beginning of June and will be gone for 10 weeks.
Last night, he had his final event for the NROTC, and I am SO glad that it's done and over with!
He can now focus on preparing for OCS and spending some quality family time before he takes off...again.
I feel like he JUST got back, and he's leaving again so soon.
(In case you're wondering, he was gone from beginning of January through the end of February for 8 weeks this year.)
That means he will have been home for a whopping 3 whole months before leaving for 10 weeks this time again.
The light at the end of the tunnel for me is that this is the LAST time for AT LEAST 2 years that he'll be gone for such an extended period of time!
It's also the first step in getting closer to moving to Texas!

Just a few things we are looking forward to in the upcoming months...
1. Dannika's dance recital
I'm so glad that Nick will be here for it!

2. Mighty Mites
Dannika started a sports program this month that teaches kids the fundamentals of all different types of sports to get them ready for actual little league next year. 

3. Warmer weather
After the worst winter ever, I plan on soaking up every bit of sun that comes this way. My deck chairs are pulled out, and I will be laying out and basking in it (with my SPF on of course...girl does not want wrinkles!)

4. Dannika's gymnastics show
Nick won't be home for this one :( I'm hoping that they let him sneak in to watch a dress rehearsal though.

5. A friend that I served with in the Marine Corps is coming to Boston on a business trip, and is going to spend a night at my house with me!
An awesome girl friend of mine (whom I spent a lot of my early 20's making poor decisions is coming to see me! I haven't seen her in YEARS! I'm so excited to have my Marine sister over!!

5. Syracuse trip in July
My brother in law's family lives near Syracuse, and I'm taking the kids over 4th of July weekend to visit and hang out with my adorable niece! Too bad Nick won't be here for that.

6. Welcoming Nick's replacement AMOI!
YES! Nick's replacement is on the inbound roster, and I am ecstatic! It just got more real that we are moving (as long as Nick completes OCS). I know he's ready to throw his "pack" at the new guy and far far away from Boston, and I know I am going to be gladly throwing my "pack" at his wife and run far far away...
What I want to say to the new AMOI's wife....
"Here lady...have fun not having your husband every summer while he goes to train candidates at OCS...oh let me add the rest of the staff basically gets summers off from work and get to vacation and spend time with their families cause there is no NROTC in the summers...enjoy the "beautiful" winters here (totally sarcastic)...I'M OUT!"

May weather teased us yesterday with a beautiful sunny day...
No worries folks, mother nature wouldn't bless New England with great weather for longer than 2 days in a row. 
We are expecting rain tomorrow and more rain next week.

You know the weather's nice when my son is out and about in just a onesie and no pants!

First time swinging...
Because the weather's been crappy, and I haven't been able to take him to the park until yesterday.

My little soccer star before soccer practice.
Ok...maybe not a soccer STAR....
She's not a good goalie....
She's not a very good soccer player actually....
But the girl is the fastest one on her team!
We just need to figure out how to actually kick the ball once she beats everyone and runs to it...
Actually, a couple times, she just ran right past it....I have no idea where she was running...
We'll get there.

What are you looking forward to?


  1. It sounds like you have a busy (but fun!) month ahead! :) I'm sorry your husband has to leave again so soon - I hate that part!

    This month, I am looking forward to my fiancé's graduation and our wedding! :)

  2. Sounds super fun! Love that exit speech. Lol yall aren't excited to leave or anything. ;)

  3. Ugh they are always coming and going right? I will never forget OCS for Chris, that's when I had Pierce! Haha

  4. Oh I am all about the incoming warmer weather as well! And what two cutes you have!

  5. What a little sassy cat. I'm looking forward to the hubs finally coming home and starting to live like a "normal"military family again. 83 days and counting!


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