Saturday, May 17, 2014

RSVPs and Random Photos

I'm blogging this morning, because I need something to calm my nerves.
Why do I need to calm my nerves at 9am on Saturday morning, you ask?

Because, today, we are throwing a "little" (super early) 5th birthday party for our Dannika Jane.
Her birthday is not till July, but since Nick won't be here all summer (again...thanks Marine Corps! hooray!), we are throwing her a party early so Nick can participate in the festivities.
After all, she is halfway to double digits this year!
We figured it was perfect timing for us to invite all her classmates from school before we lose touch with most of them when school lets out.
 I didn't realize that almost every single kid in her class would RSVP. 
I was only expecting like maybe 6 kids at the most.
I also found out last night that a bunch of people who didn't RSVP are planning on attending. 
 I only planned for the people who RSVP'ed (plus just a COUPLE extra).
Turns out I'm gonna have more than just a couple extra show up. 
What the heck?! 
It's common courtesy to RSVP for something, people!
 It's not that freaking hard.
I also went into "Pinterest mom" mode, and went a little overboard with this party.
I'll blog about it later, and post lots of pictures.
So on top of having more people show up than expected, I'm freaking out about all the details of this party. 
So now I'm irritated.
End rant.
While waiting at the preschool drop off the other day, I caught Dannika singing along to the Frozen soundtrack (that is on repeat in my car) to Mattis while holding his hand.
Heart melting...

Look at this cool guy.

When Nick bought his 72 Chevelle, it came with some really bad artwork on the hood.
It had this amateur graffiti of a skull with a two headed rattlesnake coming out of it......
So, the first big "modification" we did on it was get rid of the awful "hood art", and get SS racing stripes put on it!

I try and make my bed every morning.
Lord knows it doesn't happen every morning.
But my day is always better when I start the morning with my bed made.
It just gives a fresh start to the day.
I have 13 pillows on my bed.
There are 4 other pillows (the ones we actually sleep on) underneath all our decorative pillows.
Nick rolls his eyes at me, but secretly, I know he loves how our bed looks when I make it.
 In case you're wondering, this comforter is Cynthia Rowley, and the throw pillows are random pillows I found at either Home Goods or T.J. Maxx.
Now, I'm feeling a lot calmer.  
RSVP to your parties people! 


  1. Glad you got that off your chest! You will come through with flying colors - have a FABULOUS party. They grow up WAY too fast.

  2. I completely agree about the RSVPing.. I had a similar experience with my baby shower! Luckily, my mother-in-law made way too much food, it saved us! I also just fell in love with that comforter! I want one

  3. Gah- good luck!!

    I also make my bed every morning, it is the first thing I do when I go up to get dressed.

    Also, my dress from MOther's day was a TJ Maxx find- I got it in purple too and love them!


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