Friday, May 16, 2014

The Boy Behind the Blog:The Final Edition

I'm linking up with Mal Smiles for the final edition of "The Boys Behind the Blog" link up.
I'm sad that I missed out on the beginning of this link up, but the past few I've gotten to participate in have been fun!
I'm posting a day late (sorry!), but yesterday was SUPER cray!
Mal Smiles

(My Answers/replies in pink of course)

One of my favorite photos of him taken at a wedding he was a part of in San Diego (many moons ago).

1. What was your first job?
My first job was working at Arnold's grocery store [a small mom & pop grocery store] as a stock boy and cutting yards on the weekends.
Last time we went to Alabama, I got to meet Mr. & Mrs. Arnold! Small town living at its' finest.

2. What is the biggest risk you've ever taken?
Joining the Marine Corps was the biggest risk and first risk I had ever taken. I just committed to it and off I went.
And I am one proud wife! It's a risk that has paid off, and all the hard work, long hours, and time apart has really blessed our family. The Corps has been good to us...for the most part (wink).

3. What is one thing you can't live without?
I can't live without my family. Before, I did everything for myself and for personal gain. Now, everything I do is for my family to make it stronger and better. I didn't grow up with a super positive father figure, and I want to give that to Dannika and Mattis.
I'm just gonna add that he's THE BEST husband and father I could ever dream up! He does EVERYTHING for our family without complaint. He never says, "It's impossible." He just does it for us. I love him!

4. What is your least favorite food?
 I don't like liver and onions.
Neither do it. Gross.

5. If you could time travel, where/when would you go? 
I would travel to the past to Andalusia, Alabama and tell myself not to be a "delta alpha" (aka...dumba**) when he joins the Marine Corps. I would tell him to pull his head out of his butt and do better in school.
I don't think he was a "delta alpha" in high school. Just immature. I'm kinda glad everything happened the way it did though, because otherwise, our paths may have never crossed!


  1. His number 3 answer is so sweet! So sad this link up is ending- I think I am just going to make Parker answer 5 random questions that I come up with each month anyway haha


  2. Ewww, liver and onions. My papa used to eat liver all the time. Gross.


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