Monday, May 19, 2014

Boston University Commissioning

Tonight was Boston University's commissioning ceremony for the Navy and Marine Corps midshipmen.
These students (midshipmen) have been a part of the NROTC program at Boston University, and have finally obtained their bachelor's degrees to obtain a commission as an Officer in the Navy or Marine Corps.
It's an amazing milestone for these young men and women as they embark on their journeys in the Armed Forces.
I couldn't help but get teary eyed as I watched their moms, dads, siblings, and family members walk up to pin on their rank insignia.
You could tell just how proud they were of their sons or daughters.
It made me think about my parents, and how proud they looked when they watched me march across the parade deck at Parris Island back in October of 2002 at my Marine Corps recruit training graduation.
I tried to picture Dannika or Mattis in a moment where they achieve something great, and as a mom, I can just picture myself a blubbery mess.
In that moment, I realized just how fast time flies, and how fast my kids will be adults.
I can only hope to raise decent human beings that God will be proud of.

Before you can commission, you have to graduate college....
Yesterday, we attended Boston University's commencement ceremony at Nickerson field.

As we were walking back from the commencement ceremony to our car, Nick got bombarded by Asian parents wanting a photo with
I have no shame in admitting that us Asians appreciate a good photo op.
They treated Nick like a

And a post commencement "selfie"

And for the commissioning ceremony...

This is SSgt Evans and Nick. 
SSgt Evans just completed his degree at Harvard, and will be commissioning at the end of the month!
This is a cool photo, because it's the last time in his Marine Corps career that he'll be sporting the most sexiest uniform ever....the ENLISTED Marine dress blues.
The Officer dress blues are nice...but everyone agrees that the Marine Corps enlisted dress blues with the red piping and gold rank insignia is by far.....the sexiest uniform....ever.

Nick's pretty upset about his marksman pistol badge.....
Next time time....

The midshipmen taking their oath of office.

This photo makes me laugh.
Every newly commissioned Officer gets to choose who their "first salute" is.
Your first salute as an Officer is SUPPOSED to be an enlisted service member (NOT A MIDSHIPMAN....)...
Ensign Grigoriadis (yeah...try and pronounce that) chose Nick to be his first salute.
 After the salute, they're supposed to pose for a photo....
He was so excited that he forgot the photo op and turned to salute the CO and guest of honor. 
It was pretty amusing, because he left Nick there

He turned back around for a photo :)

First salute for 2ndLt Simpson.

 2ndLt Patel

Ensign Ross

 The guest speaker was Rear Admiral Christian Becker (the equivalent of a 1 star General)
He's a Boston University alumni with a pretty impressive resume (google him).

Two of some of the most amazing women I know.
Emiliee is in the middle. 
She is a student at MIT pursuing a career as a Marine Officer after graduation.
She's pretty amazing, ridiculously smart, extremely resourceful, and great with kids :)
On the far right is Stephanie.
She's a mom of 2 adorable kids...the wife of a Marine (a SSgt who is Harvard grad who will commission as a 2ndLt)...ANNNNDD....SHE'S A FREAKING LAW SCHOOL GRAD as of this year!!!

 Steph, her husband Taylor, Nick (and his duck face), and yours truly!

A better photo without the "duck face" from

Congrats to all the newly commissioned ensigns and 2ndLts!
Make your mamas proud!


  1. Congrats to all the newly commissioned! {And all I could think about when you mentioned Nick's pistol qual was my husband screaming PIZZA BOX! LOL}

  2. This is kind of similar to the Warrant Officer Graduation we just had! It's cool to see the ceremonies of different branches, and I totally agree that they Enlisted Marine uniform is way hotter!


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