Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Do you have anything that you probably spend entirely too much money on that you could probably do without?
For some people it's jewelery, designer clothes, shoes, handbags, kitchen appliances,....etc. etc. etc.
For me, it's cars and designer handbags.
I know...poor's an expensive "hobby".
I've owned 9 vehicles in my lifetime...
I've been driving for 14 years.
If you do the math, thats 1.6 vehicles a year....
In my defense, Out of those 9 vehicles, only TWO of them were not purchased by me.
I have made my own money since the age of 18 till the age of 28.
My parents bought me my first car....
When I EAS'ed from the Marine Corps, I owned a cute little black Mercedes.
Nick and I decided that since we were losing a significant amount of our income when I got out, we'd get rid of the Mercedes and its' really high car payments.
We were also in a lot of debt, and decided we needed to start chipping away at it.
Driving a Mercedes was not going to help.
I ended up replacing it with a used Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, and besides the lower car payment, it was an "EAS gift" to myself after receiving my honorable discharge.
I had owned a Jeep Wrangler before in my young single days, and loved it.
(side note: we became 100% debt free due to our decision)
Man, I LOVED that thing!
It was so fun to drive, and I loved how high it sat.
That is until I had another baby, and we realized his convertible carseat barely fit in the back, and lifting my 20 something pound behemoth of a child in and out of this thing was starting to be a pain in the butt!

Lucky for us, Jeep Wranglers tend to retain their value like crazy, and we ended up with positive equity on it.
I sold it in literally 1 day on Craigslist, and we headed straight to the car dealership the next day to get a new car.
We just recently sold Nick's truck because he bought a 1972 Chevelle with cash.
So we are officially a one car payment family.
 Nick decided to spoil me with an early anniversary gift...

So I am the proud new owner of a fully loaded (actually, the only thing it doesn't have is a sun roof) 2014 Mercedes Benz GLK350!
I used to have a 2011 model, and I really loved it!
I'm super excited to have it again!
I posted this on my Facebook...
"My husband bought me a new car today that was more than generous. It's the first time since high school that someone else bought a car for me. I've always made my own money from the age of 18 until 28 and have bought my own stuff! So weird! I'm so grateful, and I'm gonna enjoy it!!!!"

So this is the second vehicle that I haven't purchased on my own.
My husband did as an anniversary gift for me (our anniversary is May 31).

I am speechless because I don't deserve something so nice.
I am one lucky gal.

Thanks babe!
You're the best!


  1. So cute! Love it! He's a keeper. :D

  2. I used to have a Jeep and I miss it so much. It's so not practical with kids, though.

  3. Very nice ride!! I've had two jeeps -- and while I enjoyed them at the time, they were so high-maintenance, it drove me crazy!

  4. Woo Hoo!!! So awesome. I bought my mercedes when I was 22 and it was the greatest car. But then we had kids and a little sports car was not so practical, so we had to say bye bye :(


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