Monday, April 8, 2013

Stay At Home Mom Life

Happy Monday!
We had 3 gorgeous days in a row (Thurs, Fri, and Sat).
Yesterday (Sunday) was cold and windy.
Once again, today (Monday) is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous.
I think it's the prettiest day I've experienced so far since moving here to New England!
It was a sunny 64 degrees today!

Praise the Lord for such a beautiful Monday before the rain that is supposed to come this week (insert sad face).

Just a year ago, I would have been depressed that I was sitting at work wearing extremely hot cammies instead of outside enjoying a day like today with my princess!
I would have been secretly "hating" on all my friends who were stay at home moms.


I'm gonna count my blessings and enjoy this new life that God has afforded the opportunity to live!

We have a lovely neighbor across the street from us who owns horses. With the weather being so nice, we've been seeing them out a lot, so D and I took some carrots and ran across the street to hang out a little. 

Seriously the sweetest horse ever. He realized D couldn't quite reach his head to pet, so he would lower himself to her level so that she could reach him.

Hubby took out the kayak this weekend and had it cleaned and prepped to take out on the water!


  1. We're having warm weather today, thank goodness. Tomorrow it's supposed to storm.

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