Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Today's Been "Bleh"

Today's been "bleh".
I'm just getting over bronchitis, and now my husband is showing the beginning signs of it.
My daughter stayed home from school today because she woke up with a mild fever. 
My morning gym routine was disrupted because I kept her home today.
No productive school work got done today.
*You see, if I don't get my work out in at the beginning of the day, the rest of my day is shot. It's a good problem to have, but on days I can't make it to the gym first thing in the morning, I become a raging B word*
I had to wait till my husband got home from class to drag my butt to the gym.

 I was really more excited to wear my new work out tank...the most badass work out shirt ever.
I'm pretty sure it gave me super powers at the gym.

The weather is super humid today...cloudy...warm....
Very "Texas" weather, but I won't complain about it.
After all the complaining I did every winter that we lived in New England, I made a vow to never complain about the weather here.

I also realized today is the anniversary of the death of a young man I knew before he even joined the Marine Corps.
He was an incredible young man.
You can read about him here.
He was killed in Afghanistan 4 years ago today.
He was recruited out of the recruiting office I worked at during my time as a recruiter. 
I went back and read that post, and I felt the same emotion I felt that day writing it.
I felt the same emotion I felt that day when I found out.

I don't know why my day's been "bleh", but these are all things I can think of off the top of my head that might have an effect on my day. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be better...
Two more days till the John Legend concert :)
That's definitely something to make me smile...

 Or this...
If you tell him to pretend to sleep, he does this...


  1. I hope tomorrow is better and everyone gets better asap!

  2. Sorry your day was all messed up! No fun! :( I hope today is much better!!


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