Not sure where I'm going with this post yet, so bear with me.
Most likely, it'll be all over the place (just like most of my blog posts).
I shamelessly participate in "Throwback Thursdays".
I love going through my old photos, and looking for one that is "postworthy" on my Instagram.
Today's photos are...
My friend Kim and I before going to the 2006 Marine Corps ball.
Just two Texas girls in a world full of boys.
let me add, we held our own...we ran faster than most of them, and did
more pull ups than most of them (Kim could do 20 dead hang pull ups!).
I don't want to toot by own horn...but I am....we were pretty much badasses....
"Some women wear heels. The few wear combat boots..."
(Although Kim and I could rock a pair of heels better than anyone!)
A very tired Nick.
Dannika was just a few weeks old in this photo.
My sweet sweet Dannika Jane...
If I look close enough at her today, I can still see this baby in her face...
Time flies...
Nick and I have been so occupied with school, homework, studying, and oh yeah...raising kids and keeping them alive...
It feels like we don't get to connect every TRULY connect.
Like most couples, the lack of "connectedness" led to discontent.
I finally told him what I needed, and he's truly made an effort this past week to put more effort into US.
I'm guilty too! I've made an effort as well to connect with my husband.
This week, he surprised me with John Legend tickets!
We haven't had a chance to go on our regular monthly date nights, and that was one thing that was frustrating me.
He went above and beyond for our next "date night"!
My husband isn't a "wine drinker" unless it's a special occasion or if we're at a "fancy dinner".
Last night, he poured a glass of wine with me with dinner.
After dinner, the kids played in the house, and we just sat and talked.
Again, it made me realize how important it is to have that "alone time" with each other.
Cause a good selfie happens rarely...
My two babies.
They love each other something fierce.
It makes my heart smile....if my heart could smile that is.....
And this funny meme...
We've all met someone who we feel this way about....
Happy Thursday, y'all!