Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dannika Jane and her Blankie

Eating oatmeal in the morning
It's not often that daddy is still home when she wakes up...Nick giving her an early morning pep talk before he goes to work

We don't get to see daddy often, but when he's home it's awesome!

Dannika has a blankie that she's had since birth...
It was given to her as a gift by the wife of a drill instructor that worked for Nick at the time.
This blankie has become her lifeline.
She can't sleep without it...when she has a nervous breakdown, we give her the blankie and she calms down immediately....when she SEES her blankie she laughs and smiles and snuggles into it...
It's frankly a little scary.
Afterall, I refused to be the mom that used the paci to shut her kid I painfully took her paci away at 4 months old...we've never looked back (this is coming from the woman who paid 15 dollars per paci to have them personalized with her name on it).
Her dependency on her blankie is a little unnerving to me.
I don't want her taking it to preschool with her...

or worse...


oh well...for now...
Riding her zebra to her room
2 minutes later...out with her blankie...

a little frustrated cause it keeps getting caught in the wheels...

happy girl...

She goes EVERYWHERE with this blankie...

She picks up our bad driving and talking on our cell phones...way to go Nick...that's all you honey!

She enjoys hanging out in the laundry basket


She likes to climb in and out of high chairs, beds, and laundry hampers....and yet she refuses to walk.

The reason why she doesn't walk...her flexibility is like 150% more than the average 18 month old.

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