Monday, February 14, 2011

Nick and Dannika's First Valentine's Day

 Every girl loves Tiffany's....even at 19 month olds.
Nick was in Afghanistan for Dannika's 1st Valentine's Day last year...
So this year was special to him to be able to be home to spend it with his love....

Dannika Jane Romer

and me..the wife :-)

Dannika's Valentine's Day gift from her daddy (Tiffany & Co. earrings)...Man...can we say spoiled???

 I [[love]] Valentine's Day...
I {{hate people}} that complain about Valentine's Day with a passion...
I hate the excuses on WHY they hate it too...

typical excuses:'s a corporate holiday for businesses to make money
why do we need a day to tell someone "i love you?"... should tell eachother everyday that you love eachother
it's a pointless holiday...

Nick and I show each other everyday how much we love each other by our everyday actions.
And occasionally, we do sweet things for each other "just because we love each other".

But what better way than to have ONE day out of the entire year to set aside to celebrate our entire year of **LOVE**?!?!

I love the overpriced flowers, the cheesy cards, the chocolates, the romantic dinners...EVERYTHING.

And for those of you who are still complaining....
then maybe we should just not celebrate every other holiday?

I'm pretty sure every holiday, stores jack up certain items that pertain to that holiday. people...celebrate holidays because it is the few days a year that we get to be with family, friends, and spend time with loved ones...

Valentine's day isn't a national holiday so we don't get the day off, but sheesh...

It's a day to celebrate love and do something even more special for your loved ones than you would on a normal "just because I love you" day..

so to all of you who hate Valentine's Day...
that sucks...

I love it all!

Valentine's Day morning..."Come one mom and dad...just 5 more minutes of sleep"...unfortunately...your mom and daddy you have to be up.

Valentine's Day outfit

Balloons from mommy and daddy after daycare

Daddy and Dannika's first Valentine's Day together...Dannika first Tiffany's jewelery box

Tiffany's earrings for my lady...

her first Tiffany's box...displayed in her room

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