Monday, August 3, 2015

Messina Hof Harvest 2015

Remember that "I Love Lucy" episode where Lucy and Ethel go grape stomping?

It's probably one of my favorite episodes.

This past weekend, the Romers got to experience it!
Nick got us tickets to the Messina Hof's 38th Annual Grape Harvest!
We all got up super early on Saturday morning, and headed out to the vineyard to pick grapes, and of course, stomp on them!
The kids had a blast, and it was such a fun family summer time outing.
We will definitely be going back next year!

It started off as a super early morning with two super cranky kids because we had to wake them up so early....
But once we arrived, they were awake and excited!

After a short brief on the history of the winery, and a short class on how to pick grapes, they let us loose in the vineyards to pick grapes!
Messina Hof in Bryan grows Lenoir grapes which is what they use to make their famous port wine.
I'm not a huge red wine fan, nor am I a huge fan of sweet wines, but Nick LOVES their port wine.

Dannika and Mattis had a blast helping us harvest grapes.

Our little grape harvester...

About to do our grape stomp!

Grape stomping!!!
It felt SO WEIRD, but it was SO FUN!
They even played joyous Italian "stomping music" while we took turns stomping the grapes.
Everyone cheered each other on!

After stomping, we all got a free tshirt to put our "foot stamp" on.
(side note: Dannika's right eye is all puffy because she was stung by a yellow jacket the day prior)

We even got Mattis in the action!
He sort of freaked

Stamping his little feet!

This is Paul Bonarrigo VI, the founder and owner of Messina Hof.
His trademark is that bright red beret he wears.
He's a SUPER animated guy, and so much fun!

Afterwards, we got a little wine tasting class with Karen Bonarrigo.
She is the wife to the heir of Messina Hof, Paul Bonarrigo VII.
I actually finally learned how to drink and smell wine (and look all sophisticated).
(Fun fact: her husband, Paul Bonarrigo VII, is a former Communications Officer in the Marine Corps! They met when he was active duty!)

We had such an absolute blast, and we see many more visits to Messina Hof as a family for fun events like these!


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