Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I Never Wanted A Son

It's true.
When I was pregnant with Mattis, I was slightly devastated when I found out that "she" was actually a "he". 
I realize there are many people (including some of you reading this) who are struggling with pregnancy, adoption, etc.
I know that these people would give just about anything for ANY child...boy or girl.
So for me to sit here and say that I wasn't happy about Mattis being a boy and not the little girl I wanted him to be may sound a bit selfish and ungrateful.
But this is why everything is God's plan and not my plan.
Lord knows if it were MY plan, we'd have two girls.
 As I got more pregnant, I grew to love the idea of having a little boy around the house.
God slowly showed me throughout my pregnancy just how much more love I had in my heart to give my future son.

And exactly 2 years ago today, at 4:37 in the afternoon, Mattis Mark Vincent Romer came into the world.

I want to punch my former self in the face for ever uttering the words, "I never want a son."
My world full of princesses, Barbies, glitter and everything pink needed a big old wrench thrown in it, and Mattis was just the answer to that.

This crazy little boy who eats his cheerios dipped in toilet water....
Who has eaten goldfish crackers covered in his own poop...
Who still doesn't sleep through the night (4 out of 7 days of the week...AT LEAST)...
Who screams like a banshee...
Who beats up on his much older, and bigger sister...
Who's always dirty...
Who pees in bathtub while his sister is in it...

Bubble Guppies lovin'...
Mama snugglin'...
Taylor Swift fanatic... 
Tonka truck lovin'
"Mummies" addict (Annie's fruit snacks)... 
Absolutely adorable...
Blonde haired Asian...

This mama heart couldn't imagine a life without a son...especially one that is JUST LIKE YOU!
Keep dancin' away to Taylor Swift, sweet child...

We love you so much!


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