Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beat the Heat

So it's been ridiculously hot in Texas.
I am not even exaggerating when I say that at one point, after my car had sat in the sun for an hour, my dash thermometer read that it was 122 degrees outside.

Notice this was at 525 in the afternoon....

The actual high temp for yesterday around these parts was like 105ish.

Strangely, I don't mind it at all.
I did tell myself that I was never allowed to complain about the heat ever again after all the complaining I did about the cold, snow, and horrible winters I experienced in Massachusetts. 
It is a little crazy (even for a native Texan like me) to think that I grew up thinking these types of Summer temps were normal. 
Friends of mine that live in (or are from) other parts of the world/US are in absolute shock at how hot it gets down in these parts. 

Nothing this Texas girl can't handle!

I just hope it cools down a little before D starts school since we normally walk her to and from school every day. 
Speaking of school...
I have been on top of it this year, and did all of D's school supply shopping in the middle of July!
New backpack, lunch box, school supplies, water bottle, etc.
I'm pretty proud of my usually procrastinating self for getting it out of the way so quickly!
Yesterday, we went to our neighbor's graphics business in Bryan, All Out Graphics (shameless plug) to get labels made for her coloring box, notebooks, folders, etc.
Shout out to our awesome neighbor Greg for taking time out of his extremely busy schedule to make a couple labels for our baby girl!

With the heat being the way it was yesterday afternoon, and the neighborhood pool being closed, we decided to plan a fun family afternoon outing at the bowling alley!
Great way to kill a few hours in the afternoon and get out of the heat!

And some random photos that are just too awesome not to post in this blog post...

Nick found this old photo of him on his computer.
For those who don't know, Nick was a drill instructor at MCRD San Diego.
I love these action shots of him yelling at recruits.
They really do just make my day.

Nick loves being part of my ridiculous selfies....

And lastly...
Today is August 11th!
Better known to artillerymen in the Marine Corps as 0811 day!
Happy 0811 Day to my crazy artilleryman!

What are y'all doing to beat the heat?
Is it even hot where you live?

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