Sunday, April 5, 2015

Yes, Another Easter Blog

I'm sure many of you are basically ignoring any blog post you see on your feed with the word "Easter" in the title.
And like most of my blog posts, this one is truly for friends and family who care about my family's day to day shenanigans. 
We've spent the whole week bouncing around from Easter parties, Easter egg hunts, and Easter bunnies.
This is the first year that Mattis (our youngest) kinda "got it", and it was lots of fun for us to watch him participate in the Easter festivities. 

Here is our annual cheesy(and creepy) mall Easter bunny photo!
I was certain this would be the year that Mattis would freak out, but as you can see in this photo, he was clearly excited about his chance to sit on the lap of this creepy bunny.

She had an awesomely fun Easter party at her school, with a clever Easter egg hunt to make it fair for every one.

Each Kindergartener was assigned a number, and all the Easter eggs hidden had numbers on them.
They could only hunt for eggs with their numbers on them, and each kid got 13 eggs.
It was genius.

And then our awesome neighbors hosted a huge Easter bash, complete with a mini bible lesson on the true meaning of Easter, Bahama Buck's snow cones, arts and crafts, water can't beat that!

Mattis had absolutely no problem figuring out this whole grabbing Easter egg ordeal.

We BBQ'ed a lot this weekend.
My parents came down with some of their friends, and we smoked ribs and grilled chicken quarters.
It's so nice to have my parents just a drive away. 

We opted not to do Easter baskets this year.
We got both the kids new bikes (well a tricycle for Mattis), and we got Mattis his very own Pottery Barn "Anywhere chair", and Dannika a new cover for hers. 

Our annual good Friday tradition of dyeing Easter eggs..

Every year, we lug the kids to a community egg hung (usually a church sponsored event).
I attend these things to support our church more than anything.
I quickly reminded every year, however, how ridiculously immature parents can be.
 We took our kids to one on Saturday where our church had over 75,000 eggs (YES...SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND!).
Unfortunately, Dannika was pushed and shoved by greedy parents hoarding plastic Easter eggs with cheap candy in it for their own kids.
Dannika made out with a whopping 4 1/2 eggs....she picked up a broken half shell of an egg.
Thank goodness we have a child who doesn't get too upset over things like this.
She was just happy she got a couple.
These community Easter egg hunts, however, always make me question my faith in humanity.

And our kids on Easter Sunday.

This was the best I could do with trying to get both in one shot. 

With that, I leave y'all with this...

"He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification." Romans 4:25
I am proud to be the daughter of a King, and proud to serve a Risen Savior!
Happy Easter, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. What a awesome Easter you had! The kids looked like that had so much fun. Definitely genius with the number system at Kindergarten. And their Easter Sunday outfits are to die for! Soo cute!


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